SAVE THE DATE!! It's time for the Spring Scholastic Book Fair. We will be open during the NRJH Multicultural Fair taking place Thursday evening, April 3rd. GET READY FOR BOOK FAIR FUN!
3 days ago, Nolan Ryan Junior High
book fair
SAVE THE DATE!! It's time for the Spring Scholastic Book Fair. We will be open during the NRJH Multicultural Fair taking place Thursday evening, April 3rd. GET READY FOR BOOK FAIR FUN!
6 days ago, Nolan Ryan Junior High
book fiar
Our 3rd Lone Star Lasso Author Celebration Event is in the books! Students from across the district enjoyed presentations and book signings from 2024 Texas Lone Star List authors Diana Lopez and Jacquetta Nemmar Feldman. Keep READING, WRITING, and DREAMING!
10 days ago, Nolan Ryan Junior High
Jacquetta Feldman
SAVE THE DATE!! It's time for the Spring Scholastic Book Fair. We will be open during the NRJH Multicultural Fair taking place Thursday evening, April 3rd. GET READY FOR BOOK FAIR FUN!
11 days ago, Nolan Ryan Junior High
book fair
SAVE THE DATE!! It's time for the Spring Scholastic Book Fair. We will be open during the NRJH Multicultural Fair taking place Thursday evening, April 3rd. GET READY FOR BOOK FAIR FUN!
14 days ago, Nolan Ryan Junior High
book fair
Congratulations to this year's Campus Teachers of the Year! Each campus selected their own Teacher of the Year and those winners are now in the running to become either the Secondary or Elementary Teacher of the Year for the district! The district winners will be announced at the Employee Recognition ceremony in May.
15 days ago, Alvin ISD
Secondary Teachers of the Year
Elementary Teachers of the Year
NEWSLETTER UPDATE: February was filled with a love for learning in the Longhorn Library!
18 days ago, Nolan Ryan Junior High
Longhorn Library February Newsletter
NRJH Theatre presents the musical Into the Woods Jr. FEBRUARY 27 & 28. See flyer for the QR code to purchase your tickets.
21 days ago, Nolan Ryan Junior High
Into the Woods
SAVE THE DATE!! It's time for the Spring Scholastic Book Fair. We will be open during the NRJH Multicultural Fair taking place Thursday evening, April 3rd. GET READY FOR BOOK FAIR FUN!
21 days ago, Nolan Ryan Junior High
Spring Book Fair
Longhorns! Are you interested in being a NRJH Cheerleader next year? If so, there is a mandatory parent and student meeting you MUST attend in order to tryout for the squad. See the flier for details.
about 1 month ago, Nolan Ryan Junior High
Cheer Tryouts
REMINDER: Friday, February 14 is a Teacher Professional Learning day and there is no school for students. Monday, February 17 is holiday for all students and staff.
about 1 month ago, Alvin ISD
Student Holiday February 14 and 17
Longhorn Nation! Help raise money for our kids while making your family dinner night a breeze. See the attached fliers for details about our upcoming fundraisers with BJs and Chipotle restaurants!
about 1 month ago, Nolan Ryan Junior High
Chipotle e
chipotle s
NRJH Theatre presents the musical "Into the Woods Jr." See flyer for showtimes and ticket purchases.
about 1 month ago, Nolan Ryan Junior High
Into the Woods Jr. Flier
The Longhorn Library is kicking off 2025 on the right foot! Check out our January newsletter!
about 1 month ago, Nolan Ryan Junior High
Longhorn Library January Newsletter
We are so proud of how our NRJH Robotics teams represented our school at the January 11th scrimmage at ICJH. Two teams placed and received these custom trophies made by the very talented Mr. Ermenc. A great time was had by all.
about 2 months ago, Nolan Ryan Junior High
Still Processing
8th Grade Parents, Please take this opportunity to learn more about dual enrollment for your future high school student.
about 2 months ago, Rhonda Wilson
Dual Enrollment
8th grade students had a wonderful tour of all the amazing things JBH has to offer. Thank you for sharing!
about 2 months ago, Erin Mayo
Criminal Justice
Cosmotology & Barbering
Animal Science
The Ladies of Essence enjoyed good food and great company at the 2024 Holiday Chat and Chew.
3 months ago, Nolan Ryan Junior High
8th MAP Science students demonstrate nuclear fission using balloons as neutrons to create a chain reaction.
3 months ago, Erin Mayo
8th MAP Science students demonstrate nuclear fission by using balloons as neutrons.
8th MAP Science students demonstrate nuclear fission by using balloons as neutrons.
8th MAP Science students demonstrate nuclear fission by using balloons as neutrons.
TOY DRIVE!! You are invited to join NRJH and Marek Elementary as we partner with Texas Hope and Brazoria County Toys for Tots to bring hope to Alvin ISD's underserved youth this holiday season. See flyer for details.
4 months ago, Nolan Ryan Junior High
Toy Drive