Reading Language Arts Department

Welcome to the Nolan Ryan Junior High School Reading Language Arts Department!
We are excited to support your Longhorn students as they become avid readers and writers both in the classroom and beyond.

 "The more that you READ the more things you will KNOW. The more that you LEARN, the more places you'll GO."  --Dr. Seuss

Mrs. Hawkins

RLA Department Chair & Instructional Coach

7th Grade Reading
8th Grade RLA

email Ms. Hawkins

Ms. Haynes

7th Grade APA Writing
8th Grade APA RLA

email Ms. Haynes

Ms. Lyons

6th grade APA Writing
6th Grade Writing

email Ms. Lyons

Mrs. James

6th Grade Humanities
6th Grade APA Reading

email Mrs. James

Mrs. Beaubrun

6th Grade APA Reading/Writing
6th Grade Reading

email Mrs. Beaubrun

Mrs. Bell

6th Grade Writing
7th Grade APA Reading
7th Grade Reading

email Mrs. Bell

Mrs. Collins

7th Grade APA Writing
7th Grade Writing

email Mrs. Collins

Ms. Cole

7th Grade APA Reading/Writing
7th Grade Reading

email Ms. Cole

Mr. Ross

8th Grade Humanities
8th Grade APA RLA
8th Grade RLA

email Mr. Ross

Ms. Wingate

7th Grade Humanities

email Ms. Wingate

Mrs. Rodriguez

Resource Reading/Writing
6th Grade MAP Math

email Mrs. Rodriguez