Attention AHS students and parents! Tomorrow is CLUB DAY, please see the information below:
Another victory for Jacket Water Polo!! #JPND
Lady Jacket Water Polo takes the W over a tough Pearland team! #JPND
AHS HoCo Week! #JPND
Get Involved! Join a Club or Organization today!
Parking Permits: The grace period is over. You must have a parking permit to park in the Student Lot. See Ms. MacQueen in the front office to get your permit.
AHS's first MEGA MUM! We're gearing up for Homecoming next week!
Attention Alvin HS families of English Learners/Emergent Bilingual students:
THE 39 STEPS, a fast-paced whodunit, is FUN for the whole family!
$7 Online/$10 at the Door
Thurs., Oct. 3 at 7:00pm
Fri., Oct.. 4 at 7:00pm
Sat., Oct. 5 at 2:00pm
Sat., Oct. 5 at 7:00pm
90 minutes with no intermission.
Thank you to our local Game Wardens for visiting our Criminal Justice classes!
Houston Food Bank - Market Pantry
Congratulations to our MCJROTC! Once again, they were recognized as a Naval Honor School! #JPND
Students you must have a parking permit to park in the student lot. Please see the information below.
Students Don't Miss This Opportunity-College Fair Tonight!
Time: 5:00 pm- 6:00 pm- 1 2th only
6:00- 7:00pm - 9th-11th grade
Location: LGI in the CM building
Parking permits can be purchased in the cafeteria during all three lunches.
Bring your Driver's License and Proof of Insurance.
Absent? Send you notes directly to the attendance office!
Friday Night Lights vs. Shadow Creek HS tonight at 7:00 p.m.!
Interested in E-Sports? Join the team!
Scholarship Workshop for Seniors
Sign up to take the ASVAB! Learn what careers fit your strengths! (Not just for those entering the military.)