The Daddy-Daughter Dance is this weekend!
Alvin High School recognizes the men and women who have served our country.
Thankful season is Alvin ISD Serves season!
Through various volunteer opportunities and acts of kindness, Alvin ISD Serves allows us to show our gratitude and make a positive impact in the lives of those around us.
Watch our social media to see the ways AISD is serving!
Attention AHS:
Baseball Parent Meeting
Red Ribbon Week!
Don't miss out! Be sure to have your school picture taken!
The Daddy Daughter Dance is on November 16th.
TSI Test Info
PSAT / SAT Testing tomorrow! Regular schedule for those not testing.
A BIG Thank You to our Student Trainers who take care of our student athletes!
POSTPONED: AHS Football Alumni Dinner
Homecoming Parade Winners! Thank you for being a part of our HoCo festivities!
Alvin High School presents your 2024 Homecoming King Daylan Perkins and Queen Peyton Binger. Congratulations! #JPND
The HoCo Dance is on SATURDAY!
Game Day Themes
NCAA Eligibility Meeting
The Homecoming Court will be announced at 6:30 p.m. TONIGHT!
We'll see you back on Tuesday!
Congrats to Hayden Daly for coming in 2nd and Kalin Emmert-Baucom for placing 3rd yesterday at our Beginner Golf Tournament hosted at Sienna Plantation! #JPND