A HUGE congratulations to Braeden Shaw for his hole in one today at the District Golf Tournament. He used a 9 iron from 133 yards out on the 4th Hole at Wilderness Golf course. Great job Braedon and Jacket Golf! #JPND
Thank you to all the amazing assistant principals for your support at each and every campus you serve.
Please join us at Shadow Creek High School on April 20th. We would love to talk to you about positions at Alvin High School.
Are you READY?!? Can't wait to see our feeder elementaries have some fun!
OUR JACKETEERS ARE NATIONAL CHAMPIONS!!! Congratulations to the Finest Ladies of Alvin! You make your campus and community so proud.
Congratulations to Alvin's Matti Matthews! She recorded her 300th strikeout as a Lady Jacket Softball player Friday night.#JPND
Friday was Teacher Appreciation Night with Jacket Softball. Thank you to our wonderful teachers at AHS. Also a big 'thank you' to Board Members Mr. Scott & Mr. Humbird, Dr. Briseno, Dr. Webb, and Mrs. Taylor for cooking and prepping burgers for the night! #JPND
Advanced art students had an incredible mural painting experience at Alvin Animal Adoption Center! It was a great experience for our kids to work on a community arts project that benefits such a worthy cause. The mural in the lobby will serve as a backdrop for adoption photos.🎨
We are pleased to announce our Inaugural Jacket Golf Tournament July 19th!
Senior night for our Jacket Soccer players. Playing tough against Dawson HS tonight at Alvin Memorial Stadium. Sting'em Alvin! #JPND
Alvin HS Principles of Law students traveled to the Brazoria County Courthouse to see 239th DC Judge Greg Hill presiding. They observed a sentencing hearing. This was a great way for students to see firsthand how the judicial system works.
The AHS MCJROTC cadets had special guests from Ridge Point HS, Dayton HS, and Texas City HS. It was a great way for our cadets to meet, interact with, and learn from other cadets in the area!
Thank you to the parents who made Senior Night special for all the Lady Jackets Soccer players. Jacket Pride Never Dies! Please come out Friday, March 8 for their last game of the season against Dawson. Let's go Jackets!
Today, we hosted the opening¹ reception of the student art show in the PAC. The entire show was planned and curated by several AHS Art Students.
We are so proud of our Yellowjacket Theater Company production of Little Shop of Horrors. They are a Tommy Tine Awards finalist for Outstanding Technical Achievement. The program celebrates the educational value, artistry, and community of high school musical theater in Houston.
Our Lady Jackets are up 2-0!! LET'S GO!!! JPND!
The Alvin Yellowjacket Boys Powerlifting Team competed in the Regional Championship Meet at Dickinson High School on March 2nd. The team finished in 4th place out of 40 teams. Please meet our State Qualifiers:
L to r: Jacob Baez, Kyle Suggs, Jesus Alaniz
This is AHS freshman Maggie at the Bullock Texas State History Museum in Austin, where her artwork is on display as part of the Youth Art Month Spring Exhibition at the capitol. Only three pieces were selected to represent Alvin ISD in this state wide event. Congrats Maggie!
We are so proud of our Jacketeers! Check out the awards received from Officers, Varsity, and JV. Stay tuned for news about NATIONAL COMPETITION after Spring Break!
We would like to introduce you to the 2024 AHS Brazoria County Fair Queen Candidate, Kaylee Elsner.