Special Education

The Department of Special Education provides a continuum of instructional and related services that includes Academic Supports, Behavioral Supports, Related Services, and Speech Therapy. Special education services are governed by the Individuals with Disabilities Act (IDEA) and regulations outlined by the Texas Education Agency (TEA). Alvin ISD is committed to providing a Free and Appropriate Public Education to ensure all students with disabilities make educational progress in their least restrictive environment.

Special education services are provided at all Alvin ISD campuses. Specialized programs are strategically located throughout Alvin ISD for students in need of a district class placement. These are known as district classes. If your home campus does not offer the specialized program your child needs, Alvin ISD will provide transportation to the most appropriate program to meet the child’s individual needs. 

If a student has previously received special education services, the Alvin ISD home school of your child will hold a temporary Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) Committee meeting upon the student registering for school so that the student may start receiving services immediately. 

If a student has not previously received special education services, but you are concerned that a disability may exist, you may request an evaluation with the Campus Team Evaluation Staff to consider ways to meet the student’s needs. 

If there is documentation identifying a disability requiring specialized services immediately for the student to be able to attend school, it is suggested that parents contact the campus principal in advance of the time the student is to start school. Reports from hospitals, previous schools and teachers, and other sources will be helpful in determining the needs of your child.



The Special Education Information Center (SPEDTex) provides resources and interactive features for increasing family awareness of disabilities and special education processes, with the goal of improving partnerships between schools and families. 

Contact Information: 
Live Chat: SpedTex website
Phone: 1-855-773-3839
Email: Email SpedTex

SSES Supplemental Funding

SSES Servicios Suplementarios de Educación Especial