Coordinator of Special Education Child Find and Evaluations
Phone: 281-245-2791
Alvin Independent School has an obligation to identify, locate and evaluate each child, birth to age 21 inclusive, residing within the jurisdiction of Alvin ISD who has a disability or is suspected of having a disability, regardless of the severity of the disability, and who is in need of special education and related services. This Child Find obligation—mandated by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEIA or, more commonly, IDEA) and Texas special education law—extends to all children with disabilities, including those who are homeless, highly mobile, migrants, in foster care, homeschooled, court-involved or attending private schools within the jurisdiction of Alvin ISD .
Once identified, students ages 0-3 years of age are served by ECI and students ages 3-21 are served by Alvin Independent School District.