Alvin ISD Trustee Election 2025
The Alvin ISD Board of Trustees is comprised of seven trustees who serve three-year terms. Annual elections are held the first Saturday of May. Each trustee represents the entire school district rather than a section of the population.
The candidate who receives the highest number of votes for each respective position will serve as a trustee. Runoffs are not conducted unless candidates tie.
Current Submitted Applications for a Place on the Ballot are as follows:
Position 4
Regan Peterson
Brian K. Roberson II
Position 5
Cheryl B. Harris
T’Liza M. Kiel
Under Section 2051.152(a)(4), the requirements and deadline for filing for candidacy for school board trustees must be posted continuously for at least a year before election day.
The 2025 Alvin ISD Board of Trustee Election will be held: May 3, 2025
The First Day to File for Candidacy will be: January 15, 2025
The Last Day to File for Candidacy will be: February 14, 2025
An application for a place on the ballot must be in writing; signed sworn to by the candidate before a person authorized to administer an oath, and dated; timely filed with the district's filing authority (the Superintendent's Secretary) and contain specified information about the candidate:
The candidate's name, date of birth and occupation
The candidate's residence address or the address at which the candidate receives mail with a description of the location of the candidate's residence
The candidate's length of continuous residence in Texas and in the district as of the date the candidate swears to the application
A public mailing address and email address at which the candidate receives correspondence relating to the candidate's campaign;
The office sought, including any place or other distinguishing number and an indication of whether the office sought is for a full or unexpired term
Statements that the candidate is a US citizen; has not been determined by a court to be mentally incapacitated; has not been convicted of a felony; is aware of the nepotism law; and swears an oath to support and defend the US and Texas Constitutions and laws.
Applications for a place on the Alvin ISD ballot can be found here.
Or by visiting the Election Division of the Secretary of State Website
An individual is eligible to be a candidate for, or elected or appointed to, a Texas school board if the individual:
Is a United States citizen
Is 18 years of age or older on the first day of the term to be filled at the election or on the date of appointment, as applicable
Has not been determined by a final judgment of a court exercising probate jurisdiction to be totally mentally incapacitated or partially mentally incapacitated without the right to vote.
Has not been finally convicted of a felony.
Has resided continuously in the state for 12 months and in the territory from which the office is elected for six months immediately preceding the following date.
For an independent candidate, the date of the regular filing deadline for a candidate's application for a place on the ballot
For a write-in candidate, the date of the election at which the candidate's name is written in; or
For an appointee to an office, the date the appointment is made;
Is registered to vote in the territory from which the office is elected on the date described above; and
Satisfies any other eligibility requirements prescribed by law for the office
Texas Election Code §141.001; Texas Education Code §11.066
The Texas Education Code imposes additional requirements:
To be elected to a school board, an individual must be a qualified voter; 18 years of age or older, a US citizen, a Texas resident, a registered voter, not determined to be totally or partially mentally incapacitated by an appropriate court, and not finally convicted of a felony. Texas Education Code §11.061; Texas Election Code §11.002.
A person is ineligible to serve on a school board if the person has been convicted of a felony or an offense under Texas Penal Code section 43.02(b) regarding prostitution. Texas Education Code §11.066.
Eligibility/Qualifications can also be found on the Alvin ISD Website under Policy BBA (LEGAL) and BBBA (LEGAL)
Candidate packets will be available to pick up at the Alvin ISD Administration Building, 301 E. House Street, Alvin, TX on January 6, 2025.
If you have any questions or concerns, you may contact: Mary Anne McWhirter
Secretary to the Superintendent of Schools
Email Mary Anne McWhirter