Student Eligibility

The student has to be determined to have one of the following conditions: learning disability, speech impairment, emotional disturbance, orthopedic impairment, autism, visual impairment, auditory impairment, intellectual disability, traumatic brain injury, or other health impairment. Families who have a student with a suspected disability can access this suite of resources made available by the Texas Education Agency:

The Alvin ISD Special Education Department has a continuum of services for children ages 3-21 who demonstrate significant delays in communication, cognitive, academic, self-help, social development, behavior, and/or motor skills. A Full and Individual Evaluation (FIE) can be conducted to determine the presence of a disability and whether your child meets local, state, and federal guidelines for special education services. In order to access these services, a child must demonstrate both a disability and an educational need for specialized instruction. The evaluation is provided at no cost to parents who reside within Alvin ISD boundaries.

If you believe your child is in need of an evaluation for special education services, please contact Jen Taylor via email or at 281-245-2791.

Common Questions/Answers on how to go about getting help for your child: