The mission of Special Olympics is to provide sports training and athletic competition opportunities to persons eight years of age and older with an intellectual disability or a closely related developmental disability.

Special Olympics Texas provides an opportunity: 

  • for families to share in the accomplishments of their children.

  • to share the Special Olympics joy with other families.

  • to allow the extended family the opportunity to be part of a year-round sports training and competition program. 

Families are Special Olympics Texas’ most powerful resource. Families help coach, transport, fundraise, officiate, chaperone, and train other volunteers. Families are Special Olympics’ most highly motivated and enthusiastic goodwill ambassadors. 

There are currently 140 countries worldwide participating in Special Olympics with nearly 1 million athletes worldwide. The Alvin ISD Panthers participate in a variety of sports including soccer, bowling, basketball, and track and field.

All athletes must have a completed medical release on file before they can participate in competitions. This medical release form can be obtained from the Special Olympics Head of Delegation (HOD) or downloaded below. 

Practices are held weekly at a school in AISD (bowling is held at Alvin Bowling Alley). These change yearly but a general timeline of each sport is below.

  • Bowling: Beginning of Sept. through the Beginning of Dec.

  • Basketball: Nov. thru March

  • Track and Field (Athletes must pick ONE of these as the competition is on the same day in different locations): Dec through the end of April/ beginning of May

Parents can join our Remind groups to stay informed about practices, competitions, and new sports HERE!

Head of Delegation: Sarah Quade