Car Line Front of School

Parents/Guardians please be aware of the car-rider dismissal line procedures. We want to keep you, our students, and our staff safe. Please be aware of the following:

  • 2-Lines: Parents, there are 2 lines available to you to pick-up your student in the afternoon. Please do not leave large gaps in between cars, we will instruct your student to walk along the sidewalk to your vehicle.

  • Exit through the middle: You are free to exit through the middle once you have picked up your student if there are cars in front of you still waiting. However, please wait until AFTER the first sidewalk/crosswalk (pictured above). This is to ensure that we are able to safely guide staff and students in the parking lot.

  • Use the lanes ONLY: We do not have staff stationed within the parking lots to monitor student pedestrian traffic, please DO NOT park in the lots and have your students cross the street, we will instruct them to wait until you go through the line.