National Junior Honor Society
Each spring Falcon leaders are invited to join this honorary group based on their commitment to scholarship, leadership, service, character and citizenship.
It is important for our campus student leaders to exemplify these qualities every day, and they challenge their fellow students to do the same.
The FJH chapter of National Junior Honor Society meets twice a month during lunch in room A221. Students are reminded of upcoming meetings, and should check our Google Classroom for more information and for volunteering opportunities.
For questions about how students can be a part of NJHS, please contact Mrs. Bill:
FJH would like to congratulate our recent class of leaders inducted in the fall 2023 term.

NJHS Honors Veterans with Breakfast
The Fairview Chapter of NJHS was honored to welcome serving and retired military personnel for its Veterans Day Breakfast. The breakfast came with performances by the Outstanding FJH Choir (Mr. Gonzales), eighth graders from the Amazing Falcon Symphonic Band (Ms. Klinkner), the playing of "Taps" by seventh grade soloist Ryan Solis, and a speech by FJH's campus police officer Brian Doyle. NJHS wants to thank all of those who were able to participate.