Emergent Bilingual, Foreign Languages & Cultural Services
In Alvin ISD, we serve a linguistically diverse population with over 70 different languages. According to the Home Language Survey, the most common languages spoken by Alvin ISD families are Spanish, Tagalog, Vietnamese, Malayalam, Arabic, and Cambodian.
The Alvin ISD Emergent Bilingual, Foreign Language & Cultural Service Department Core Beliefs:
We believe in creating a language rich interactive classroom that supports the cognitive, affective, and linguistic needs of EB students, enabling them to possess the ability to learn for the rest of their lives and help them become productive citizens in a global society.
We believe in honoring the diversity of our students’ cultures and backgrounds. We believe in creating culturally responsive learning environments where all students are seen, valued, and respected.
Alvin Independent School District offers four distinct instructional models to meet the unique cognitive, affective and linguistic needs of Emergent Bilinguals:
Martha Aguilar
Program Director of Emergent Bilingual Programs
Email: Martha Aguilar
Bertha K Martinez De Leon
Executive Assistant -Emergent Bilingual, Foreign Languages & Cultural Services Department
Email: Bertha K Martinez De Leon
Full Staff List
Links and Information
Grade Level Bilingual Scope & Sequences
One-Way Dual Language Program/ Bilingual Program
(ESL) English As A Second Language
Junior High Newcomer Placement
The Process for Serving English Learners- LPAC Information
LOTE- Languages Other Than English
English Classes for ESL Parents
Alvin ISD Cultural and Social Emotional Learning Ongoing Plan