The Tooth Fairy Visited with Kindergarteners #Alvinisd

Exploring physical properties a pumpkin has for properties of matter during science in Kindergarten #Alvinisd

Its great fun learning about the Phases of the Moon on Halloween! #Alvinisd

Moon phases 4th grade Halloween Activity #Alvinisd

Lots and lots of great, amazing book characters in today's Parade! #Alvinisd

So many fun characters in our Book Character Parade. We loved them all! #Alvinisd

Storybook Pumpkin Winners and Marcos Pizza Night. Let the fun continue! #Alvinisd

Pomona Elementary Pizza Box Week at Marco's Pizza has begun. Monday was Kinder Pizza Night at Marcos Pizza. Today is 1st grade's! Yummmm! #Alvinisd #MarcosPizzaBox Week

Busy, fun weekend for our Pomona Pirates! Trunk or Treat on Friday, 10/25th and Tweens Read Books Festival Saturday 10/26th. #alvinisd

More smiles from Trunk or Treat! #Alvinisd

Trunk or Treat was a success! Smiles abounded everywhere you looked. Thank you to all that helped make it a success and to those who came out for it. #alvinisd

5th graders attended and enjoyed the Tweens Read Book Festival 2024 #Alvinisd #tweensread2024

5th graders enjoying the Tweens Read Book Festival 2024 #Alvinisd #tweensread2024

Manvel's Firefighters visited with First Grade Students

Congratulations Payton Quinn for winning best of breed with her rabbit "Lola" at the Brazoria County Fair on Saturday.

Book Buddy Experience. Kinder-Surla and 4th-Neisler. They had fun! @alvinisd

Pomona Elementary welcomed Alvin ISD's Willy Wonka, the Musical @alvinisd

Thank you to all the Pomona Families that joined us for Open House. Families were able to see the amazing work their children are doing in class as well as enjoyed the second grade Folk Dancing , the book fair, and the bond presentation. Thank you all for coming out! @alvinisd

Pirates celebrate National See You at the Pole Day. @Alvinisd

Happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day from the Pomona Pirates! Arrrrr! @alvinisd #TalkLikeAPirateDay #Arrr #PirateTalk #AhoyMatey