Giraffes Can't Dance but Pomona Pirates can during our Great Day of Reading #Alvinisd

Great Day of Reading. It all begins with a book... #Alvinisd

Thank you to those who have sponsored the spring carnival already. We still have spots available if you would like to become a sponsor.

Congratulations to this year's Campus Teachers of the Year!
Each campus selected their own Teacher of the Year and those winners are now in the running to become either the Secondary or Elementary Teacher of the Year for the district! The district winners will be announced at the Employee Recognition ceremony in May.


Go Texan Day at Pomona Elementary

Kinder showed up for Go Texan Day! #alvinisd

Pomona was excited to host the Space Cowboys' Orbit to learn about the Space Cowboys Reading Program #Alvinisd #SpaceCowboys #Reading Challenge

Sweetheart Picnic 2025 #alvinisd

Sweetheart Picnic 2025 #Alvinisd

We loved having you all at our Sweetheart Picnic #Alvinisd

REMINDER: Friday, February 14 is a Teacher Professional Learning day and there is no school for students. Monday, February 17 is holiday for all students and staff.

100th Day of School! #alvinisd

100th Day of School! #alvinisd

100th Day of School! #alvinisd

100th day of school! #alvinisd

Celebrating 100 days of learning at Pomona Elementary! #alvinisd

Congratulations to these amazing staff members. Pomona truly has the best of the best!
Mrs. Shogreen - Teacher of the Year.
Mr. Allender - Paraprofessional of the Year.
Ms. McCoy - Rookie of the Year.

Thank you to these companies who are sponsoring our spring carnival. We are still accepting sponsorships for those interested in partnering with Pomona. #alvinisd

Manvel PD Visits First grade!