Don't forget to pop in and see us at Summer Library from 9 to noon today!
19 days ago, Marek Elementary
Summer library at Marek starts tomorrow at 9! Come see us!
about 1 month ago, Marek Elementary
slide about summer library
Congratulations to our 5th Graders! We're so excited to see your future accomplishments and we'll miss you!
about 1 month ago, Marek Elementary
photos of 5th grade clap out
Marek Field Day has begun!
about 1 month ago, Marek Elementary
kindergarten field day
field day picture
field day picture
field day picture
Mrs. Paul's and Mrs. Rodriguez's classes are experimenting with color and tie-dyeing shirts!
about 1 month ago, Marek Elementary
 tie dyeing shirts
students tie dyeing
students tie dyeing shirts
Our First Career Day was a HUGE Success! Thank you, Mrs. Poydras! We had over 20 presenters!
about 1 month ago, Marek Elementary
collage of career day pictures
Mrs. Molina's classes worked on the "Egg Drop Investigation"! Very exciting!
about 1 month ago, Marek Elementary
collage of egg drop investigations
Mrs. Henderson’s class published our own books about how we use math in our daily lives.
about 2 months ago, Marek Elementary
picture of books
Class picture
class picture
155 PK-2nd grade completed their Imagine Math district lesson goal for the year! They got to enjoy a snack, juice, play games, and participate in a dance party!
about 2 months ago, Marek Elementary
dance party
dance party
Trailblazers Reading Party - the celebrations continue!
about 2 months ago, Marek Elementary
PTO serves yummy ice cream
students celebrating
students celebrating
students celebrating
We had a ball celebrating our Marek Poetry Contest winners! Such a creative, talented group! Donuts and extra recess were fun!!
about 2 months ago, Marek Elementary
poetry contest winners
playground time
playground time
kids on playground
28 students were able to celebrate at Marek's 2x2 Party! Stories, ice cream, prizes and fun!
about 2 months ago, Marek Elementary
choosing prizes
2x2 party
What a treat! Thanks, PTO and Gringos!!! We feel so appreciated!!
about 2 months ago, Marek Elementary
awesome PTO
Thank you PTO! It was a great day!
about 2 months ago, Marek Elementary
PTO breakfast pictures
Over 90 4th and 5th grade Bluebonnet readers celebrated reading with ice cream from PTO, prizes and stories from Mr. Rawley! A great day!
about 2 months ago, Marek Elementary
Mr. Rawley reading
readers celebrating
readers celebrating
The 4th Grade team is the best at celebrating! Happy Cinco de Mayo
about 2 months ago, Marek Elementary
4th grade teachers
Thanks to our amazing PTO for providing our awesome reptile encounter!
about 2 months ago, Marek Elementary
snake encounter
reptile presenter
touching snakes
touching snakes
What an exciting day with GREAT turnout for our Advanced Academics Product Showcase! So many great projects displayed and so much hard work recognized!
about 2 months ago, Marek Elementary
Product Showcase
Product Showcase
Product Showcase
Product Showcase
We are BEYOND grateful for our volunteers Thank you so much for all you do for our school! We love you!
about 2 months ago, Marek Elementary
Marek 4th Graders had a WILD time at the Houston Zoo today!
about 2 months ago, Marek Elementary
students at the zoo