Marek Elementary Clinic
Please inform the school nurse of any medical conditions that may affect your student throughout the school day. (Asthma, ADHD/ADD, allergies, diabetes, physical disabilities, seizure activity, surgeries, etc.)
The State Law requires immunizations to be current for admission to school. Please provide the school nurse with a copy of your child's updated vaccine record anytime your child receives a new vaccine.
All medication must be brought to and picked up at the clinic by a parent or guardian. Students may NOT carry medication to and from school. Any prescription medication brought in must be in the original container with the pharmacy/dosage labels present. Over the counter medications may NOT be kept in the clinic longer than 10 days. If over the counter medication is needed longer than 10 days, a doctor's note will be required.
Reasons a child will get sent home include but are not limited to:
Temperature of 100 degrees or above
2 or more COVID-19 symptoms
Red eye with purulent discharge or crusting
Open, draining lesion
Students must be fever free for 24 hours without the use of fever-reducing medication before returning to school.
Students should not return to school until they have gone 24 hours without vomiting and or diarrhea.
Students must be free of lice in order to return to school and accompanied by a parent or guardian to the nurse's office upon returning to school in order to be cleared for re-entry into the classroom.
Change of clothes:
It is highly encouraged to keep a change of clothes for your child in his or her backpack at all times. Often little ones do not make it to the restroom on time and any student can spill their lunch or have a bloody nose. (Clothing donations are always welcome!)
Please make sure that all vaccines are up to date before the first day of school. Medications will not be accepted without all required forms.
Contact Information
Joanna Guzman, BSN, RN
Phone: 281-245-3236
Email Joanna Guzman
Hello Marek Marlins!
My name is Joanna Guzman. I have been a nurse for over 10 years and this is my 5th year as a school nurse. My son attends Marek as well!
If you have any questions or concerns regarding your child please feel free to contact me. Hablo