Course Registration

All Course Offerings are Subject to Change

Additional Registration Information

Special Programs

If you are interested in taking any of the following programs for the first time, you must receive approval from a designated program teacher/coach. 

Please complete and submit the Special Program Approval Form to your SCHS Counselor in order to have this course remain on your request list. 

Any Athletic Sport (find the required Physical information HERE)
AP Capstone (Seminar/Research)
Athletic Trainer and Sports Medicine
Career Prep
Theatre Production
Office Aide (Seniors Only)
Off Period (Seniors Only)

Advanced Programs

Students enrolling in APA/AP classes for the coming school year, MUST have an APA/AP agreement on file. Counselors will review your request during registration. Recommendations may be appealed with the Advanced Academics Specialist and may involve a parent and student conference. Students are required to submit an APA/AP Agreement form in order to take advanced classes. The form can be found here

Four Year Planning Tools