It's almost the 100th day of school! Let's celebrate by dressing up as a 100 year old or wearing a shirt with 100 items on it. Please dress school appropriate. #AAlvinISD #AllinAlvin #MTEroars

Mark Twain is looking for Career Day volunteers for Friday, March 8th. If you have a career that you would love to share with our students please reach out to our counselor, Mrs. Pourchot @ rpourchot@alvinisd.net. #MTEroars #AlvinISD #AllinAlvin

It's not too late to purchase your Alvin ISD Education Foundation turtle! We hope to see you at the Fun Run also! #AllinAlvin #AlvinISD #MTEroars #AlvinISD_EdFdn

We hope to see our Mark Twain Tigers and families at our Valentines Dance February 15th!

Mark Twain is excited to announce Mrs. Stanton as Teacher of the Year, Ms. Hastings as Rookie of the Year and Mrs. Sifuentes as our Paraprofessional of the year! Our teachers/staff feel so blessed to be a part of the Mark Twain family and work with our students every day!

Mark Twain students are simply the BEST! We have Big Shout-Out to today’s Positive Office Referrals! Kimberly in 3rd, Mia in 3rd, and Enzo in Pre-K way to show your stripes! #MTEroars #MTETigers #AllinAlvinISD

Big Shout-Out to today’s Positive Office Referrals! Eliana in 4th, Leslie in 3rd, and Lincoln in Pre-K way to show your stripes! #MTEroars #MTETigers #AllinAlvinISD

Mark your calendars and get ready for Spring Picture Day at Mark Twain Elementary.

Mrs. Henry's Kindergartener's welcomed new members of the classroom. This week Oscar and Pako, a set of guinea pigs arrived to make learning even more spectacular! Mrs. Henry found inventive ways to integrate every content possible with Oscar and Pako. Students researched guinea pigs before their new friends arrived and used various stations and learning opportunities such as poetry center, math and science. Thank you Mrs. Henry for making learning so FUN! #AlvinISD #AllinAlvin #MTEroars

MTE Student Council is collecting socks for the elderly at Windsor Quail Valley Post-Acute Healthcare Center in Alvin through January 31st! The classroom that collects the most socks earns a POPCORN Party! #AlvinISD #AllinAlvin #MTEroars

Mrs. Higginbotham's fourth grade students visited the Alvin ISD Stem Bus today! #AlvinISD #AllinAlvin #MTEroars

Mark Twain is excited to welcome our newest Bilingual Kindergarten teacher, Ms. Acevedo! She is doing wonderful things with her students. Today students made connections and shared their ideas during their ELD, English Language Development block. Students shared together through a turn & talk strategy, and made connections with Spanish texts and translated into English texts.

Mark Twain students are enjoying our last day with the Stem Bus on our campus. They were exposed to Science, Technology, Math and many hands on opportunities. Thank you Alvin ISD Stem Bus for your visit this week. #Alvin ISD #AllinAlvin #MTEroars

Fifth Grade Parents, tonight, 1-18-24 from 5:30-6:30 at Harby Jr. High there will be an informative electives meeting to help students decide electives for the 2024-2025 academic year.

Mark Twain students are enjoying the first day of our visit from the Alvin ISD Stem Bus. Fifth grade students were able to integrate Science, Technology, Math and Engineering.
#AlvinIsd #AllinAlvin #MTEroars

Mark Twain is looking for volunteers for our Friday Stem Bus visit. Due to the weather day we missed yesterday we will be making it up on Friday. Please consider filling out the attached form to help us.

Earlier this week, Mrs. Higginbotham’s homeroom completed their 6th We Are Here chart. #alvinISD #MTEroars #AllinAlvin

We are gearing up for Career Day at Mark Twain Elementary. We would love to have volunteers interested in sharing your careers with our students. Please reach out to Ms. Pourchot if you have any questions, rpourchot@alvinisd.net. .

Ms. Landry is rocking a BEAUTIFUL hairstyle courtesy of Ivy R. in 2nd grade. Ivy earned this prize by saving her Twain Tickets and cashing them in at our school store! Way to show your stripes, Ivy! #AlvinISD #MTEroars #AllinAlvin

Mark Twain Families, we are in need of volunteers for our Stem Bus visit coming soon. Please consider volunteering for us. It is such an amazing opportunity for our students.
Complete the following form if you can help us out. Thank you!