We have a BUSY week next week! Don't forget the Book Fair nd Family Night! #AlvinISD #AllInAlvinISD #MTETigers
Click the link to sign up for eWallet to make shopping so much easier!
To sign up and volunteer at our Book Fair click here:

Mrs. Murray gave her 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade friends an engineering challenge that paired with the Dr. Seuss story Ten Apples Up On Top. Look at that teamwork and problem solving! #AlvinISD #AllInAlvinISD #MTETigers

A reminder, Mark Twain will not have lunch visitors tomorrow, Wednesday, March 5th due to testing. Thank you. #Alvin ISD #AllInAlvinISD #MTETigers

A BIG Thank You today to the following students for setting up their BoosterThon account and sharing! Thank you Ella B., Brynn B., Aurora G., Jacob G., Leslie G., Mateo L. & Liana L.! We are excited to share our BoosterThon fundraiser with our students and families. We are appreciative of your help to reach our goal! #AlvinISD #AllInAlvin #MTETigers.
You can scan the QR code on the image to set up your account today!

Congratulations to this year's Campus Teachers of the Year!
Each campus selected their own Teacher of the Year and those winners are now in the running to become either the Secondary or Elementary Teacher of the Year for the district! The district winners will be announced at the Employee Recognition ceremony in May.

Ms. Villaloboz fifth grade students were ALL present! What a great accomplishment students! #ALVINISD #AllInAlvin #MTETigers

Love is in the air at Mark Twain Elementary. We are looking forward to our Valentines Dance on Thursday! We hope you'll join us Twain Tigers! #AlvinISD #MTETigers #AllInAlvin

REMINDER: Friday, February 14 is a Teacher Professional Learning day and there is no school for students. Monday, February 17 is holiday for all students and staff.

Mark Twain Elementary appreciates it's Alvin ISD Education Foundation Turtle Sponsors Louis Leitner Horner & NAC Construction Group, Inc. Thank you for your generosity! #AlvinISD #AllInAlvin #MTETigers

FYI.. No Lunch visitors on the following dates..... see the flyer... #AlvinISD #AllInAlvin #MTETigers

A reminder for our 5th grade Tigers transitioning to Harby Jr. High next year. #AlvinISD #AllInAlvin #MTETigers

Alvin ISD Elementary UIL was held this weekend. Mark Twain had A LOT of student participation and we couldn't be more proud of them! We are still waiting on the results. Way to show your Tiger strips with hard work and dedication! #AlvinISD #AllInAlvin #MTETigers

We are excited to announce our amazing new library helpers for the remainder of our 2025 school year! Mia, Izabeya, Natalia , Delaney, Hailey M., and not pictured Arabella! They eager to help and learn more about the library duties and help patrons find amazing books! #AlvinISD #AllInAlvin #MTETigers

Mrs. Murray, our G/T Specialist, took one of our Tigers Robotics teams to a scrimmage last Saturday at Iowa Colony JH. The team did a great job, met many other robotics teams from Alvin ISD, and had a great experience! #AlvinISD #AlInAlvin #MTETigers

Mark Twain Elementary values our learning opportunities with our students. Please take a moment to see the impact our missed instructional time makes with our Tigers! #AlvinISD #AllInAlvin #MTETigers

Makerspace Mondays in the library are a FANTASTIC way to start our week using problem solving skills, critical thinking and collaboration! #AlvinISD #AllInAlvin #MTETigers

It's that time of year! Help support the Alvin ISD Education Foundation by purchasing a turtle/turtles.
Use this link to learn more about the turtle sales and turtle race!

Students and staff enjoyed dressing festive this week! We hope you enjoy your holiday break and can't wait to see you in 2025! #AlvinISD #AllInAlvin #MTETigers

This week we hosted our first ever Spanish Spelling Bee competition. Every single participant is a Super Speller!!! Congratulations to our winner Wendy Chavez in 4th grade and the runner up Jennifer Fonseca in 5th grade. Our top 5 finalists: Wendy, Jennifer, AnaMaria, Valeria, and Esau will advance to the district round in February! We are so proud of them! Way to go! #AlvinISD #MTETigers

We have had so much fun with our holiday dress up days! Our ugly sweater contest winner was...... Mrs. Viillaloboz! She never misses a dress up event on campus! Well earned Mrs. V! #AlvinISD #AllInAlvin #MTETigers