Why Learn A Foreign Language?


In addition to fulfilling the state requirement for graduation or applying for college, there are an infinite number of benefits to learning a foreign language which help strengthen students personally, educationally and professionally.  Here are a few of them:

   Improve your English—Studying a foreign language can actually make you a better speaker of your native language as you become more familiar with the parts of speech and the building blocks of grammar.

            Create avenues for making money—Banks, technology companies, consulting firms, international trading firms, andeducational institutions around the world are always looking to give well-paying jobs to people who speak a foreign language.

         Increase your SAT scores—French and Spanish are both Latin-based languages,  learning them will increase vocabulary comprehension of advanced Latin-based words and scientific terminology.

Stimulate Your Brain—When considering the effects learning a language has on your brain, adults and children both can be positively affected. Scientists have also said that there is evidence which points to kids that learn a foreign language end up being more creative when they are faced with  completing jobs.

Stand out when Applying for Higher Education—Being able to show to University Admission Clerks that you have previously studied a foreign language could add significant weight to your applications. You will show that you are a more rounded and educated person – the sort of thing that Admission Clerks absolutely love.

Make life-time Friendships—Studying a foreign language and all the opportunities it can bring will definitely increase the number of people on the globe who you can meet and communicate with. Be it meeting international students, immigrants in your community and establishing new relationships with people overseas, studying a foreign language really can change your life for the better.

Study Overseas--If you choose to study a foreign language you needn’t study it at expensive, limited schools in your own country. You could be studying Spanish  in Spain or French in Paris.

Travel--Traveling can literally open you up to new worlds, and knowing a foreign language makes it immensely easier. Even if you're traveling to a country that speaks an entirely different language, the more languages you have at your disposal the easier it will be to find someone with whom you can communicate.

Impress your Boyfriend/Girlfriend—In the end - whether you’re male or female - you will make optimistic points with your bilingual date by trying to learn a second language. If your date doesn't speak a foreign language, he or she will be impressed by the charming attraction of the languages you learn.