
LaVonna Daniel-RN
Alice Snider-LVN
Nurse's Notes And Information
*Please inform the school nurse of any medical conditions that might affect your student during the school day. (Asthma, ADHD/ADD, Life Threatening Allergies, Physical Disabilities, Surgery, etc.)
Medication Information
Prescription medication must be in its original container with the dosage information present on the packaging. Over the counter medication may be kept in the clinic for 10 days with a note from the parent, if medication is needed longer a doctor's note will be required.
Please contact the school clinic if your child is diagnosed with flu. If your child has a temperature of 100.0 F or greater, they should stay home until they are fever free for 24 hours or an entire school day without the assistance of a fever reducing medication. Please keep your children at home if they are ill. This allows them to become completely well and prevents the spread of disease to other children.
Texas State Law requires immunizations to be current for admission to school. Send a copy to the clinic anytime your child receives them. Please view the link page on this website for immunization requirements.