Which Spanish class should I take?
What Spanish should I take?
If you have never studied Spanish and would just like to complete the basic requirement for foreign language...
You have the option of starting Spanish I in regular classes or Dual-Credit classes.
If you studied Spanish in Junior High...
This counts for one level of your requirement) and were successful (B average or higher) and you should sign up for Dual Credit Spanish I & II--each is one semester long and your earn four hours of college credit for each semester, Spanish II or Spanish II APA.
If you are a Spanish Speaker...
You should take the diagnostic test offered at MHS to find out which Spanish class is your level. We discourage Spanish speakers from enrolling in Spanish I and encourage them to sign up for Spanish for Spanish Speakers or Dual-Credit Spanish (to simultaneously earn college credit!). As a heritage speaker, you could qualify to take up to Spanish III or IV. You must, however, still take two full levels of Spanish, with the exception of testing into level IV—for which successful completion and the required scores of the class and the AP Spanish Language exam could earn you up to four credits of Spanish!
If you are a Spanish-speaker who successfully took AP Spanish in junior high...
You should sign up for AP Spanish Literature for your junior or senior year or try taking French!
If you are looking to take more than the two-year minimum...
You should enroll into Spanish I APA or Dual-Credit Spanish I. This will help you gain the skills necessary to build the foundation necessary to take the AP Spanish Language Exam.
If you have background knowledge or experience in Spanish or have previously studied the language...
You should consider taking the TSIA to qualify for Dual Credit Spanish offered by ACC at MHS. Background in the language, or a very high level of achievement are necessary to be successful in this fast-paced course that allows students to gain a full credit of language in just one semester—pending grades (minimum ACC equivalent of a "C").
If you are a good student who completes all your work and enjoys learning...
You should consider taking French or Spanish at the APA or Dual Credit level. In order to take Dual Credit classes, you must take the TSIA to qualify for Dual Credit Spanish offered by ACC at MHS. Background in the language, or a very high level of achievement are necessary to be successful in this fast-paced course that allows students to gain a full credit of language in just one semester—pending grades (minimum ACC equivalent of a "C")
For further information or questions, please contact your student's counselor or the LOTE Department Chair.