FL Classes Offered

World Languages Classes offered at MHS


¨ LEVEL I:  French I

¨ LEVEL II: French II

¨ LEVEL III: French III APA/French III DC (pending student enrollment)

¨ LEVEL IV: French IV AP/French IV DC  (pending student enrollment)



¨ LEVEL I: Spanish ISpanish I DC/ Spanish for Spanish Speakers I

¨ LEVEL II: Spanish II/Spanish II APA/Spanish II DC/Spanish for Spanish Speakers II


¨ LEVEL IV: Spanish IV AP

¨ LEVEL V: Spanish V AP Literature  (pending student enrollment) 





FRENCH I Semesters: 2 Credit: 1 Grade: 9-12

Pre-requisite: None

This course is an introductory course. Emphasis is placed on listening and speaking at first, with increased emphasis on reading and writing as the course progresses. Students learn basic vocabulary, phrases, and structures for everyday situations. Cultural lessons on France are presented throughout the course. 

  FRENCH II Semesters: 2 Credit: 1 Grade: 10-12

Pre-requisite: Successful completion of French I

This course places more emphasis on reading and writing, although there is continued practice in listening comprehension and speaking. The formal study of grammar continues as well as conversations and reading passages that pertain to everyday situations in France.

  FRENCH III APA Semesters: 2 Credit: 1 Grade: 10-12

Pre-requisite: 85% average in French II or 80% average in French II Pre-AP recommended.

This course emphasizes reading and writing. Students continue their study of grammar and continue to expand vocabulary. Discussions are conducted in French. Students begin to express their own thoughts in French. There is a review of grammar as needed by the class as well as a continued teaching of grammar concepts. Varied literary passages are read, and songs and videos are included to give students a complete picture of the culture. Students and parents must sign a contract indicating their willingness to comply with course requirements.

  FRENCH III - DUAL CREDIT (FREN 2311) Semesters: 1 Credit: 1 Grade: 10-12

Pre-requisite: French II Dual Credit (FREN 1412) with a grade of C or higher.

See ACC’s Dual Credit/Dual Degree TSI Testing Requirements (P. 61).

This course offers the opportunity to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in French through conversation, vocabulary acquisition, reading, composition, and culture. It includes a grammar review and further study of the French culture. It is the student’s responsibility to make payment to the college for all applicable fees, textbooks, and supplies. 28

Semesters: 2 Credit: 1 Grade: 12

  FRENCH LANGUAGE – AP (FRENCH IV AP) Semesters: 2 Credit: 1 Grade: 11-12

Pre-requisite: 80% average in French III Pre-AP recommended.

This course is a survey of French history and literature in chronological order from the Middle Ages through the twentieth century. Emphasis is on reading and discussing in French. Short themes are written about literature passages. The course is divided into two independent semesters; the first covers the 12th to 17th centuries and the second covers the 18th to 20th centuries. Literature is presented in written, audio and visual form. Students will have the opportunity to take the AP exam in May. Students and parents must sign a contract indicating their willingness to comply with course requirements.

  FRENCH IV - DUAL CREDIT (FREN 2312) Semesters: 1 Credit: 1 Grade: 10-12

Pre-requisite: French III Dual Credit (FREN 2311) with a grade of C or higher.

See ACC’s Dual Credit/Dual Degree TSI Testing Requirements (P. 61).

This course offers the opportunity to develop listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills in French through conversation, vocabulary acquisition, reading, composition, and culture. It includes a grammar review and further study of the French culture. It is the student’s responsibility to make payment to the college for all applicable fees, textbooks, and supplies.


  SPANISH I Semesters: 2 Credit: 1 Grade: 9-12

Pre-requisite: None

Spanish I is an introduction to basic spoken and written Spanish with emphasis on oral comprehension, speaking and written expression. It includes Spanish pronunciation, phonetics, the most basic grammatical concepts, present and past verb tenses, most common and basic vocabulary and idioms, and an introduction to the culture of Spanish-speaking peoples. 

  SPANISH I – DUAL CREDIT (SPAN 1411) Semesters: 1 Credit: 1 Grade: 9-12

Pre-requisite: See ACC’s Dual Credit/Dual Degree TSI Testing Requirements (P. 61).

This course provides the fundamental skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish. It includes basic vocabulary, grammatical structures, and an introduction to Hispanic culture. It is the student’s responsibility to make payment to the college for all applicable fees, textbooks, and supplies.

  SPANISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS I Semesters: 2 Credit: 1 Grade: 9-12

Pre-requisite: The student must be able to speak and understand spoken Spanish at the native level.

This course is designed for the native speakers of Spanish. Emphasis in the first year is placed on writing in Spanish. This is done by studying the basic rules for spelling and grammar. Reading focuses on the importance of Hispanic culture. 

  SPANISH II: Semesters: 2 Credit: 1 Grade: 9-12

Pre-requisite: Successful completion of Spanish I or department placement.

This course presents an overview of all-basic grammar, verb tenses, vocabulary and idioms of standard Spanish with emphasis on oral comprehension, written and oral expression, and an introduction to the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries.

SPANISH II APA: Semesters: 2 Credit: 1 Grade: 9-12

Pre-requisite: 85% average in Spanish I or 80% average in Spanish I Pre-AP recommended or department placement.

This course is a continuation and an extension of the Spanish oral and written skills acquired by students in first-year Spanish. This course will be an accelerated version of second-year Spanish that is intended for students who plan on continuing to Spanish III and Spanish IV. Students and parents must sign a contract indicating their willingness to comply with course requirements.

SPANISH II – DUAL CREDIT (SPAN 1412) Semesters: 1 Credit: 1 Grade: 9-12

Pre-requisite: Spanish I Dual Credit (SPAN1411) with a grade of C or higher.

See ACC’s Dual Credit/Dual Degree TSI Testing Requirements (P. 61).

This course provides the fundamental skills in listening, speaking, reading, and writing Spanish. It includes basic vocabulary, grammatical structures, and further study of Hispanic culture. It is the student’s responsibility to make payment to the college for all applicable fees, textbooks, and supplies.

SPANISH FOR SPANISH SPEAKERS II Semesters: 2 Credit: 1 Grade: 9-12

Pre-requisite: Spanish for Spanish Speakers I with "C" Average

This course is designed for the native speaker of Spanish. This second year is designed to explore readings in Spanish and to further develop writing skills. The cultural aspects of Hispanic countries are also stressed. 

SPANISH III APA Semesters: 2 Credit: 1 Grade: 9-12

Pre-requisite: 85% average in Spanish II or 80% average in Spanish II Pre-AP recommended or department placement.

This course emphasizes reading and writing. Students continue their study of grammar and continue to expand vocabulary. Discussions are conducted in Spanish. Students begin to express their own thoughts in Spanish. There is a review of grammar as needed by the class as well as a continued teaching of grammar concepts. Varied literary passages are read, and songs and videos are included to give students a complete picture of the culture. Students and parents must sign a contract indicating their willingness to comply with course requirements.

SPANISH LANGUAGE – AP (SPAN IV – AP) Semesters: 2 Credit: 1 Grade: 9-12

Pre-requisite: 85% average in Spanish III or 80% average in Spanish III Pre-AP recommended or department placement.

This course is the last half of a 4-semester program leading to the completion of the basic 2-year college language requirement. Emphasis is on formal reading, writing, and speaking. Discussions are conducted in Spanish. The student may enroll for dual credit through ACC, or he may take the College Board AP Language Exam. The courses are designed for students serious about language study who plan to develop bilingual skills to enhance career opportunities. Students will have the opportunity to take the AP exam in May. Students and parents must sign a contract indicating their willingness to comply with course requirements. 30 

  SPANISH LITERATURE – AP (SPAN V – AP) Semesters: 2 Credit: 1 Grade: 9-12

Pre-requisite: Spanish IV AP; teacher recommendation

This course is structured for the student to attain proficiency in all forms of communication skills. Grammar is reviewed and refined as necessary. The student increases his or her vocabulary through individual research and reports, oral and written. Concentration is placed on some of the most representative works of the literature, art, history, and music from the 17th to 20th Century. Current events, social attitudes, and customs are presented and discussed in the target language. Students will have the opportunity to take the AP exam in May. Students and parents must sign a contract indicating their willingness to comply with course requirements.