Dr. Jerry Nelson

Email: jnelson@alvinisd.net

Contact Number: 713-814-7400

Hello Cardinals

I am proud to be a Cardinal! My wife, Carolon, and I have three grown children, all of whom live in the Houston area with their families. Two of our children are in education, while our youngest recently left the education field to join her family's construction business.

Family and faith are my passions, closely followed by my love for reading, sports, and travel. Carolon would likely add one more passion—“going to school!” Academia has always been important to me. My career has taken me through years of ministry, teaching, work in Advanced Academics, and eventually Administration with Alvin ISD.

I have a competitive spirit and strive to succeed in every challenge I face. #GoCardinals!

I see myself as a servant, privileged to support the students, staff, and families of the Cardinal Community. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to reach out. The Caffey family believes in the partnership between the campus and home, with a primary focus on supporting our students' success.

Finally, I believe . . .

  • integrity is the foundation of a successful community.

  • kindness is the human touch that lifts to greatness.

  • confidence is the attitude that gives 100% in the face of headwinds.

  • joy is the spirit putting wind in the sail and momentum in the pace.