Library Policies & Procedures

Checkouts Allowed

Kindergarten - 1st Grade: 1 Book

2nd - 5th Grade: 2 Books

Overdue Books

Students will receive verbal notification of overdue books when they come to the library. If they consistently forget to bring books back, we will send home an overdue letter highlighting the books that need to be returned to school. Students will not be allowed to check-out more library books until the overdue books are returned or the fine is paid for the lost books.

If a fine is paid for a lost book and the book is returned undamaged, a refund will be issued.  

Open Check-Out

We have a few open check-out times during the week for students to return and exchange completed books. Students are allowed to come to the library for open check-out as long as they have a library pass and permission from their classroom teacher.

* Open check-out times are subject to change due to meetings, testing, or other scheduling conflicts that may arise through the year.

Damaged Books

Students are responsible for the books they check-out from the school library. If a book is returned damaged, students are responsible for the cost of the book. Damaged books include: pages torn, excessive marking, wet/liquid spills, broken binding. Students will not be allowed to check out more books until they pay the book fine. Payments are made on my school bucks. Just click the link below if you need to make a payment. Thank you! 

school bucks