Originally published on 5/19/22
On Thursday, the Alvin ISD YET Mentoring Program hosted a thank you breakfast for its mentors.
YET (Youth Empowerment Team) is a school-based mentoring program in which dedicated parents and individuals from the community, businesses, and local organizations invest their time to empower Alvin ISD students to pursue school and life goals that they have not achieved YET.
Over 90 mentors were in attendance to listen to powerful testimony from Alvin ISD counselors, mentors, and even a student that participated in the program last year. This student talked about the positive influence his mentor had on him throughout high school.
“There are no words for us to say thank you to our YET Mentors. This year, they brought this program back to life after a two-year stop due to COVID, and their commitment to show up for their mentees made the program even stronger. We started the 2021-2022 school year with just a little over 45 mentors, and we closed the year with 125 mentors. But we can’t stop here. We have about 160 students already nominated for 2022-2023. I am sure that with the support of our community we will be able to match all these students for the upcoming school year,” shared Ana Pasarella, Director of Family and Community Engagement.
Parents and individuals from across all the Alvin ISD Communities are invited to be a part of this program. For more information or to fill out a Mentor Application, you can go to the YET web page.