Originally published on 5/18/22
Today, Walt Disney Elementary was one of 300 schools from 44 states across the country to receive a $5,000 grant through the Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries. This year, the Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries awarded $1.5 million in library grants this year.
Many of the libraries will use the funds to update and diversify their collections.
“I am thrilled that children from 300 schools will soon have access to an updated library collection,” Mrs. Laura Bush said. “Students across the country turn to books to discover the world around them, and we know that opening a new book opens the door to new opportunities and learning.”
“Walt Disney Elementary is excited to be chosen as one of the recipients of the Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries Grant. Ms. Mathis, our librarian, applied for the grant in order to purchase additional books to better serve our diverse community of learners. On behalf of every student at Walt Disney Elementary, please accept our sincere gratitude for this funding. ” - Julie Gray, Principal
Mrs. Bush revealed her 2022 summer reading list, which includes recommendations for young readers through middle schoolers, on Sunday at the annual Laura Bush Book Club event, part of the Engage at the Bush Center series, presented by NexPoint. Selections feature books on adventure, humor, and discovery.
“The books on this year’s summer reading list were selected to encourage children to keep reading over their summer break,” said Mrs. Bush. “Local libraries are a wonderful resource for our communities, and I hope children and parents will visit their local library to borrow each of the featured titles.”
One of the 2022 Summer Reading List books was written by Giovanna McBride, the daughter of Mrs. Bush’s former Chief of Staff, Anita McBride. Gigi at the White House was published by The White House Historical Association and follows a young Giovanna as she tours the White House. Inspired by the Laura Bush Foundation, Anita McBride and her husband Tim McBride have donated copies of Gigi at the White House! to every elementary school that has received a grant since 2002.
Grant applications for the 2022-2023 school year will open in late 2022. Visit laurabushfoundation.org to learn more.
The Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries supports school libraries with the greatest needs with the goal of encouraging all students to develop a love of reading and learning. Since its inception in 2002, it has awarded more than $19.5 million to more than 3,300 schools across the country.
The George W. Bush Institute’s Education and Opportunity work, which houses the Laura Bush Foundation for America’s Libraries, is generously supported by The Allstate Foundation. The Laura Bush Foundation is managed as a restricted fund at the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas, Texas. More information can be found at laurabushfoundation.org. The Laura Bush Foundation is managed as a restricted fund at the George W. Bush Presidential Center in Dallas, Texas. More information can be found at www.bushcenter.org.