Originally published on 5/18/22
RISE Academy set out to accomplish a goal of doing a campus-wide service project. Counselor Chanel Foster reached out to SPLASh (Stopping Plastics and Litter Along Shorelines) and the American Bird Conservancy to request information about possible service opportunities. The idea of a beach clean up day took off! Ninety-four students from all grade levels participated in the project. Within four hours, the students had cleaned up a significant amount of trash and debris along the coast at Quintana Beach.
RISE stands for Respect, Integrity, Service, and Employability and the service project held up those standards. “We are so proud of our students for their effort and interest they displayed while participating in the beach clean up,” Foster shared. “This service project gave our students an opportunity to lend volunteer services to our community, and they gained relevant knowledge related to helping our environment.” RISE students picked up a total of 216.98 pounds of trash from the beach!