Originally published on 1/20/22
New year, new you is a phrase heard across the world as people use the beginning of the year to symbolize a fresh start. Whether it’s a personal or professional goal, people enjoy creating a plan for the year with intention to follow through. Hood-Case Elementary is excited to unveil a new project geared to motivate the staff for a successful year called the One-Word Project.
Taking a piece from motivational speaker Jon Gordan, Principal of Hood-Case, Laura Peterson, was up for the challenge. “The idea stemmed from Jon Gordan’s One Word That will Change your Life, where you are tasked with finding one word to live by for the year,” Peterson shared.
After explaining the project to her staff, Peterson invited them to decorate a canvas highlighting their word and asked them to hang it on their doors. Each day, teachers will walk into their classrooms inspired by their own words.
A few example words seen around the campus include; Joy, BeIieve, Conquer, and Balance. Ashley Simpson, Hood-Case Elementary Teacher of the Year, mentions, "I chose a word that has an overarching theme to connect my home and work life. My word is “time” - to spend time with my family, faith, and new learning. I see how to improve and notice the good in every day."