Originally published on 9/28/21
Recognized for District-wide efforts to establish responsible practices for energy management, Alvin ISD was awarded the Resource Management Award as Program of the Year from the Texas Energy Managers Association at this year's 2021 State Conference.
The award honors the energy efficiency, conservation, and savings from the collective efforts of Alvin ISD’s Energy Manager, Building Construction, Maintenance, and District capital equipment replacement programs. Alvin ISD’s commitment and action toward energy reduction exemplifies to others a stewardship of energy management and tax savings.
“Since implementing an Energy Management department in the benchmark year of 2010, Alvin ISD has consistently reduced annual electricity consumption from a site EUI (energy utilization index) of 50.04 and a cost of $1.27 per sq.ft. in 2010, down to an EUI of 28.8 and cost of $.74 per sq.ft. for the 2020/2021 school year. Through energy saving capital improvements, AISD Energy Management saved 7,665,160 kWh of power annually which earned for the District incentive rebates of $528,582 for Alvin ISD since the benchmark year of 2010,” shared Patrick Miller, Alvin ISD Chief Operating Officer.
“We are proud to have innovative leaders in our Energy, Maintenance, and Building Construction Departments who seize opportunities to conserve and manage energy efficiently and effectively for our District,” said Carol Nelson, Alvin ISD Superintendent. “Their efforts impact our students, staff, campuses, and facilities each day and we are grateful for their expertise and dedication to serving our community and taxpayers responsibly.”
In addition, Alvin ISD’s Director of Maintenance and Operations, Michael Barnes earned and was bestowed his Master of Texas Energy Managers. This prestigious honor required him to study, test, draft an Energy Management Plan, and defend the plan to a professional Panel of Energy Management Experts. He is one of 9 Masters statewide. Congratulations on that amazing accomplishment.