Originally published on 8/3/21
Alvin ISD’s first day of school isn’t for a couple more weeks, but some students came back this week to attend the “Camp Read-A-lot” program.
This is the first year Alvin ISD has offered this program to students going into 1st through 5thgrade. The offer was extended to students based on need for additional support or because they were virtual last school year.
Dr. Shandar Hobbs, Alvin ISD’s Director of Curriculum shared how the program was developed to provide students who needed a little extra support in reading right before school starts in a fun and engaging way.
“We are hopeful this week will build their confidence and give them a little extra boost to be successful in reading and writing this school year,” Hobbs added.
The program also provides students who were virtual last year with an engaging transition set at a little slower paced than a full day of academics. The District wants these students to get used to a full day on campus and being face to face with peers and teachers.
The program, offered at all of Alvin ISD’s elementary campuses, has received amazing feedback.
“My favorite part of Camp Read-A-lot is doing fun activities and making new friends,” shared Hasse Elementary 4th grader, Garyson Charlesworth.
“Ultimately, we want all students to fall in love with reading and writing. What better way to do this than around a "camp fire" listening to, telling, and writing stories! We hope Camp Read A-lot is a fun way to experience literacy, build some foundational skills and support students as they return to the classroom full time in a few weeks,” said Hobbs.