Graduation photo

Originally published on 7/26/21

The Alvin ISD Communications team is proud to announce the Campus Communication Liaisons for the 2021-22 school year. These individuals have various roles on their campus, but are brought together by their title of CCL. A CCL is instrumental in providing the communications team with positive classroom stories, campus events, and help with weekly updates. 

“I love being a CCL because it gives me the opportunity to shine a light on our amazing students and teachers,” Kate Hebert, CCL for Nelson Elementary shared. “Too often the news of what we do in our classrooms stops at the classroom door, so being able to highlight the exceptional work being done in our schools is a real privilege.” 

Many of the communication liaisons assist teachers with their webpages, make social media connections, and help to maintain an overall positive school culture. “We rely on our CCLs to pass us information from the campuses we would otherwise miss!” Communications Coordinator Rachel Moore shared. “With our district continuing to grow it is a huge help knowing we have someone on every campus who we can count on.” 

“There have been amazing stories to highlight such as graduation, cultural extravaganza, various organizations/club events, students creating their own service projects, and various faculty creating memorable learning experiences for students.” Shante Clark-Davis, CCL for Shadow Creek High School, shared. Her most memorable event was covering the shark’s football championship game from the field. “I can remember the beginning of the season taking pictures and tweeting out images from my phone, but as the season concluded there were hundreds of professional photographers pushing their way through the excitement to get the best headline photo.”

This years Campus Communication Liaisons are

ADAPT: Anneke Williams

Alvin High School: Kim Hamilton

Alvin Jr. High: Amy Louthan

Alvin Elementary: Clara Rooth

RISE/ASSETS Academy: Alana Adame

Bel Sanchez Elementary: Patricia Moore

Bill Hasse Elementary: Kendra Duckworth 

Bob and Betty Nelson Elementary: Kathryn Hebert

Don Jeter Elementary: Camille Sullivan

Dr. Red Duke: Melissa Bonner

E.C. Mason Elementary: Dyan Marek

Fairview Jr. High: Jessica Jackson

G.W. Harby Jr. High: William Teal

Glenn York Elementary: Stacey Bitner 

Hood-Case Elementary: Heather Sewell

Jackie Caffey Jr High: Courtney Moore

JB Hensler: Jeff Morrison

Laura Ingalls Wilder Elementary: Tiffany Ermenc

Manvel High School: Brooke Aseltine

Manvel Jr. High: Patricia Womble

Mark Twain Elementary: Kami Brown

McNair Jr. High: Misty Kettler

Mary Marek Elementary: Anita Phipps

Melba Passmore Elementary: Cindy Waggoner

Meridiana Elementary: Nicole Junk

Nolan Ryan Jr. High: Felysha Tamez

Pomona Elementary: Michelle Delgado

R.L. Stevenson Elementary: Shelli Adams

Rodeo Palms Jr. High: Barbie Love

Savannah Lakes Elementary: Elaine Baker

Shadow Creek High School: Shante Clark - Davis

Shirley Brothers Elementary: Kelly Russell

Walt Disney Elementary: Tracy Mathis

For more information on CCLs contact the communications team at