Originally published on 5/21/21
On Friday, May 14th, 89 Dual Degree Alvin ISD students participated in Alvin Community College’s Graduation Ceremony. Pending final grades and AP scores, these students will have earned an Associate’s of Arts Degree in General Studies. The General Studies degree is a combination of forty-two hours of core academic courses and eighteen hours of electives selected with the student’s intended pathway in mind, for a total of sixty hours of college coursework completed prior to high school graduation. The Associates of Arts degree is transferable with a 2.0 GPA or higher, and oftentimes allows the student to enter the university at a junior level status, if applicable. Also, 58 certificates were awarded to Alvin ISD students for Automotive Technology, Pharmacy Tech, EMT, and Welding.
The Dual Enrollment program is a long-standing partnership between Alvin ISD and Alvin Community College. Through this partnership, Alvin ISD students enroll in college courses taught by Alvin Community College faculty on their high school campus. Students can also take classes online and at the Alvin Community College main campus.
“Taking this path saves our students a lot of time and money. The students can have their freshman and sophomore years of college finished before they graduate high school,” said Dr. Kathy Windsor, Executive Director of Federal and Student programs at Alvin ISD.
The Dual Enrollment/Dual Degree program is ideal for any student interested in attending college in Texas or other state schools. The classes are affordable and provide a slightly higher grade point average than a normal high school class.
If you are interested or want to learn more about this wonderful educational opportunity, please visit with an Alvin ISD High School counselor, Alvin Community College Advisor housed on the Alvin ISD high school campus.