Nia Baker

Originally published on 10/7/20

Nia Baker, sophomore at Shadow Creek HS, wanted to give back to those who are working the front line in our own community. Dreaming of becoming a pediatric cardiologist one day, Nia set out with a goal to feed the entire day shift at Memorial Hermann in Pearland as a thank you for all of their hard work. To feed close to 300 individuals, Baker knew she had to fundraise to meet her goal. 

“I started a Go Fund Me where I explained my goal and shared how the money would be spent,” Baker explained. “As the fundraiser was ending, I decided to go door to door to ask for any final donations to be put towards the lunches.” 

Baker ended up raising a little over $1,600 leaving her with plenty to cover the meals! On October 1, Nia had Jason’s Deli cater and walked away feeling more accomplished than ever before. “At the hospital, I had Doctors and nurses thanking me for my efforts, and applauding me for setting a goal and achieving it,” Baker shared.

Due to her “no quit” attitude, Baker raised more money than needed for the hospital staff and was able to use the remaining funds to purchase a lunch for the Pearland Fire Department.