School Calendar

Originally published on 1/17/2020

At the January 14, 2020 Board Meeting, Alvin ISD Trustees approved the 2020-21 Academic Calendar.

Alvin ISD students will return to school after the summer break on Thursday, August 20th. Teachers will return on August 10th and teachers that are new to the district will report the week prior for New Teacher Professional Learning. The calendar is similar to last years where students will dismiss early for the Christmas holiday on December 18, 2020 and will not return until January 5th. The last day of school will be on Friday, May 28th, which is also an early dismissal day. 

Numerous parents, community leaders and staff spent months developing an academic calendar that would best suit the needs of students, parents and staff. The committee, referred to as the District Education Improvement Committee (DEIC), was led by Alvin ISD administrators and were tasked with collecting data and input from parents and district staff. The committee collaborated over several meetings to create the approved calendar. The District also asked for feedback from the community on the proposed calendar through our "Let's Talk" platform. The instructional needs of students, along with the needs of local businesses, as well as the input provided by parents & staff, were all placed into consideration in the development of the calendar.

 To view the updated calendar visit