Originally published on 1/2/2020
Alvin ISD will join 1,025 school districts throughout Texas to celebrate January as School Board Recognition Month.
“Our school board members are volunteers who shoulder critical responsibilities and often make difficult choices for our district, all without pay. Their goal is always focused on the future success of the children in our district,” Alvin ISD Superintendent Carol Nelson said. “Celebrating School Board Recognition Month is one way to say thanks for all they do.”
Serving as a link between the community and classroom, school board members are elected to establish the policies that provide the framework for public schools. The Alvin ISD board is responsible for 27,054 students, 4,500 employees, and 31 campuses.
In Alvin ISD, the Board consists of 7 elected community members with backgrounds in areas such as collegiate administration, petrochemical and technology industries, service of individuals with special needs, former educators, and more. These individuals bring their personal expertise with a shared vision of excellence for children to their role as an Alvin ISD trustee.
The men and women serving Alvin ISD are: Earl Humbird, President; Vivian Scheibel, Vice President; Tiffany Wennerstrom, Secretary; Nicole Tonini, Trustee; Regan Metoyer Peterson, Trustee; Cheryl Harris, Trustee; and Julie Pickren, Trustee.
“It’s more important than ever before that communities support public education so today’s students are prepared to be productive citizens and the leaders of tomorrow. Please take a moment and tell school board members ‘thanks for caring about our children and giving so much to our community.’ Let them know we support them and their dedicated service is recognized and truly appreciated,” Nelson said.