Originally published on 11/13/19
On Friday, November 8, Alvin ISD hosted the 1st Annual Alvin ISD Welding Showdown and Build Off at the JB Hensler College and Career Academy. Almost 200 students from 26 schools throughout the state of Texas participated in this competition.
“It was a privilege to host the inaugural Alvin ISD Welding Showdown. The opportunities we were able to provide over 200 students is unrivaled to anything I have ever witnessed or been apart of,” shared Josh Lehman, Ag Teacher at Shadow Creek HS and organizer of the Showdown.
The contest offered students the ability to receive a welding certificate from a Certified Welding Inspector as well as compete in a build off, cutting torch competition, and a tool/safety quiz. Students also had a chance to win an entry into an underwater welding competition to be held this summer where a student will have the opportunity to win a $25,000 scholarship.
“Alvin ISD had six students qualify to attend the competition this summer, in addition, two other students won full scholarships to a welding school,” shared Craig Kettler, Alvin ISD CTE Curriculum Coordinator.
During the Showdown, an additional $10,000 in scholarships was handed out to students who placed in the top 3 of each category. A total of 15 students were certified with one receiving his Level 3 master welder certification.
The competition was fully funded by local vendors, industries, and welding academies.
“Often times as educators we speak about the opportunities that lie just past high school, but every now and then we are provided with an opportunity to open that door a little sooner. This event provided an opening to truly correlate what we do in the classroom as CTE teachers with industry professionals from around the greater Houston area. It was a learning opportunity for students as well as teachers, enabling us to better authenticate the industry expectations in our classroom by engaging with industry professionals,” Lehman said.
Congratulations to all of the winners and we look forward to the future success of this event and many others like it.