Originally published on 10/4/19
The Alvin ISD Education Foundation Winners Wagon visited campuses in Alvin ISD to surprise teachers with Innovative Teaching Grants. These grants were funded by generous donations at the annual Foundation Fall Gala. Through ‘Adopt a Grant’; gala attendees were able to donate towards these grants in the Silent and Live Auctions. With these donations, seven grants were funded.
Foundation members, Alvin ISD administrators, high school band students, and Sheldon A. Turtle, the Foundation mascot, along with some of the generous donors, were part of the Fall Winners Wagon. Having the band students added to the fun and definitely announced to everyone that something fun was happening. Students and staff alike were excited to greet this group.
The following Innovative Teaching Grants were awarded: Shirley Brothers Elementary – Allison Perry & Jenny Koch “Specdrums: Tap Colors, Drop Beats!”, Manvel High School – Virginia Lively “Timeline Travelers at the Alvin Museum”, Mark Twain Elementary – Josie Maldonado, Jerri McGhee, Michele Sholders & Nicole Bierschwale “Igniting the Mind of a Creator”, Alvin Jr. High – Brittany Elliott “Mirrors of the World in our Classroom Libraries”, Hood-Case Elementary – Kathy Campbell & Amy Duster “Bluebonnet Lunch Bunch”, Manvel Jr. High – Caitlin Cunningham “Picture THIS! Reading Across the Curriculum”, and Pomona Elementary – Krista Browning “Reading Without Walls Challenge”.
The total of the grants awarded was $5,965.85. Each of these grants will bring fun and learning into these classrooms.
The teachers who received these grants were truly surprised, as they had no idea that this was a possibility since their original grant application was not funded in the spring. Foundation president, David Becker said, “The Foundation loves inspiring teachers to think outside the box and to be able to fund those ideas so they can become a reality. The fact that generous donors made this all possible is an added bonus to these campuses, teachers, students, the Foundation and Alvin ISD.”
The following individuals were guests at the Foundation’s Annual Gala and each donated to help fund these grants; Shirley Brothers, Sophia Campos, Kenny & Linda Carter, Dr. Jim & Mary Jane Crumm, Warner & Melba Ervin, Michel Hudson, Travis & Autumn McGuire, Jeffrey Merriman, Tammi Niven, John Ontiveros, Judge Lori Rickert, John Paul Anders, Trey & Christina Austin, Joel Castro, Donna Coneley, David & Jamie Headley, Jim McSherry, Willie & Melinda Moore, Bill & Carol Nelson, Monica Roberson, Marshall & Jeanie Smith, Don & Jennifer Williams, Charles Bourgeois, Jennifer Scopel, Buck Stevens, Larry Buehler, Adrian Hernandez, Shandar Hobbs, Veronica Hays, Chris & Lindsey Vaughn, Laura Sachtleben, Michael & Susan Hoover, Seth Thompson, John & Tiffany Wennerstrom, Mark & Christy Scales, Ed Thompson, and Ethan & Laura Yonker. The Foundation is greatly appreciative of these generous donors.
The Alvin ISD Education Foundation is a 501c3 organization that works to support the students and teachers of Alvin ISD. To learn more about the Foundation or to make a donation to one of our programs, please contact Sheila Olson in the Foundation office at 281-331-2586.