As our families prepare for back to school, we wanted to give a quick reminder on Alvin ISD's Cell Policy. The district permits students to possess personal cell phone for safety purposes. Smart watches (including Fit Bits), earbuds (including Air Pods), headphones, mobile game consoles and all other electronic devices are not permitted. Cell phones must be remain powered off and stored away during the instructional day, including during all testing, unless they are being used for approved instructional purposes. Over the coming weeks, we'll spend some time focusing on why AISD finds it necessary to limit cell phone and smart device use during the school day. Go to to view the full Student Handbook.
about 1 month ago, Alvin ISD
AISD Cell Phone Policy
📢 Exciting News! Join us at JB Hensler College and Career Academy's Open House on September 19th! 🏫✨ 🗓️ Save the Date: September 19, 2023 🕒 Time: 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM 📍 Location: JB Hensler College and Career Academy, 7380 Lewis Lane, Manvel, TX Discover endless possibilities for your future at JBH! 🎓 Tour our state of the art lab spaces 👩‍🔬 Meet our dedicated faculty 🤝 Connect with fellow students 🎉 Learn about the 18 career and technical education programs of study we offer Whether you're a high school student or a parent looking for the best education opportunities, this is the event for you! Don't miss out on this chance to learn about the exciting educational journey that awaits you at JB Hensler College and Career Academy.
12 months ago, Alvin ISD
JBH Open House
1st day back to school with all of our students is such a great feeling! Students were ready to learn in classes by 8:01 and finished car rider dismissal at 4:11. I will I thinks thats a pretty good start!
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Ruiz
Today was a successful day 😁🥳 Hoy fue un día muy exitoso😁🥳
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Ruiz
Tomorrow we welcome back all of our students! Mañana recibimos a todos nuestros alumnos!
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Ruiz
Welcome back ! ¡Bienvenidos de nuevo!
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Ruiz
welcome back
Welcome Back! Bienvenidos de nuevo !
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Ruiz
welcome back
A car rider tag must be shown to the ladies that will be typing your students name. Please help them by putting it in an area that is accessible for them to read. If you do not have a car rider sign, you will be asked to park and go into the office to receive a new tag with proper identification. Your student will not be released until we are done or close to finishing with car rider dismissal. It is important that we all follow the rules in order to have a safe and successful car rider line. Se debe mostrar una etiqueta de carro a las damas que escribirán el nombre de su estudiante. Por favor, ayúdenos por colocarlo en un área accesible para que lo puedan leer. Si no tiene un letrero de carro, se le pedirá que se estacione y vaya a la oficina para recibir una nueva etiqueta con la identificación adecuada. Su estudiante no saldrá hasta que terminemos o estemos cerca de terminar con el despido de carros. Es importante que todos sigamos las reglas para tener una línea de pasajeros segura y exitosa.
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Ruiz
car tag
Kleenex and Closure for Pre-K and Kinder parents At 8:15 in the cafeteria. Kleenex y Closure para padres de Pre-K y Kinder A las 8:15 en la cafetería
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Ruiz
Parents we are very excited to open our doors and see our students enter our building! It will be a great year! ¡Padres, estamos muy emocionados de abrir nuestras puertas y ver a nuestros estudiantes entrar a nuestro edificio! ¡Será un gran año!
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Ruiz
English welcome letter
Welcome parent letter
Thank you Gandar Studio for having us! We enjoyed ourselves! ¡Gracias Gandar Studio por tenernos! ¡Lo disfrutamos mucho!
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Ruiz
Mrs.Ruiz and Mrs.Williams are very excited to host Stevenson's first Popsicles & Principals drive thru event ! Monday, August 7th from 4:00-4:30 in the bus lane Remember to stay in your car! ¡La Sra. Ruiz y la Sra. Williams están muy emocionadas de organizar el primer evento de Popsicles & Principals de Stevenson! lunes 7 de agosto de 4:00-4:30 en el carril bus. ¡Recuerde de permanecer en su auto!
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Ruiz
Tara and Vanessa
Our staff enjoyed a delicious & refreshing treat on behalf of our generous AlvinISD School Board !
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Ruiz
Our 2nd grade team is out learning new things to engage our students!
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Ruiz
Parents here are some dates that would be beneficial for planning doctors appointments and family trips. Every minute counts in school! Padres de familia aquí hay unas fechas que le pueden ayudar cuando necesite planear citas de doctores y vacaciones. Cada minuto cuenta cuándo los niños estan en la escuela
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Ruiz
vacation planning
Our Kinder team is busy learning on how to create fun engaging lessons!
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Ruiz
Our 1st grade teachers won 2nd place in the curriculum training today! Way to go ladies!
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Ruiz
Today we welcomed back our AMAZING teachers! Here are just a few pictures of them. We got so busy planning and preparing to welcome back our sweet students that we forgot to take pictures! 🫣🤷‍♀️ We will get better, promise ! 😊
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Ruiz
back to school
moon pies
team 1
team 2
team 3
team 4
team 5
Before meeting our teachers come out and swing by to meet our principals and pick up a popsicle from them. Come in your car through the bus rider line where Mrs.Ruiz and Mrs. Williams will be greeting you with a nice cold Popsicle and a beautiful smile. Monday, 8/7/2023 from 4:00-4:30 Antes de que venga a conocer a las maestras vengan a conocer a las directoras y les regalan una paleta. Vengan en sus autos por la línea de autobuses en done Mrs.Ruiz y Mrs.Williams les dara una refrescante paleta y una linda sonrisa . lunes 7 de agosto de 4:00-4:30
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Ruiz
Popsicles with principals English
Are you ready? We are!
about 1 year ago, Vanessa Ruiz
English Back to School