Student Teaching/Internship in Alvin ISD

Alvin ISD welcomes the opportunity to partner with colleges, universities and Teacher Preparation Programs in providing formal student teaching/Intern placements within our district. We like to hire successful student teachers to be full time teachers with us.

Student Teaching/Intern Placement Steps:

A written placement request must be sent from the college, university or teacher preparation program to the Alvin ISD Human Resource Service to

Natalie Hoskins
Director of Human Resources
Email Natalie Hoskins
Fax: 281-388-2741
Mail: Alvin ISD, 301 E. House Street, Alvin, TX 77511

  • Request must be made the semester prior to the student teaching/internship. Deadline is 6 weeks prior to the semester requested. Individual college students cannot make this request. Student teachers may not request cooperating teachers but can indicate preference for schools.

  • Once Natalie Hoskins has placed the student teacher, she will notify the university and the student teacher. The placed student teacher can then complete the required paperwork.


Natalie Hoskins
Director of Human Resources
Email Natalie Hoskins

To complete the process and paperwork, follow these steps:

  • To access the Student Teacher Application, visit our website at and click on the Careers tab.  Then, click on the Apply Online link. Under External Applicants, click View External Positions, then click Student Teachers and complete the online student teacher application. 

  • At this time after completing the student teacher application, once received, Brandi Goudeau will upload you for fingerprinting in order for you to receive your Fast Pass for fingerprinting from IdentoGo. Then, when you receive your IdentoGo email (please check your junk/spam folder), you will use it to schedule your fingerprint appointment. (Note: applicant pays for their own fingerprinting.)  

  • After you have completed your fingerprints, please email Brandi Goudeau a copy of your receipt.  As soon as they clear you through the system, you will receive an email to come in to HR, 301 E. House St., Alvin to pick up your Intern badge, you will need to show your Texas Driver’s License. Then you can be ready before school starts in the fall or the date students return for the second semester.