Professional Learning
The Department of Advanced Academics follows the Texas State Plan for the Education of Gifted/Talented Students to meet the state accountability personnel training requirements. The State Plan requires that "all personnel involved in the planning, creation, delivery and administration of services to gifted/talented students possess the knowledge required to develop and provide differentiated programs and services." In order to meet the needs of students and grow professionally, professional learning is an integral part of Advanced Academics.
A minimum of thirty (30) clock hours of professional learning is required for teachers who provide instruction and services for students in the district Gifted and Talented Program. If a teacher does not have the thirty hour training, then the training needs to be completed within the first semester of assignment to the district Gifted and Talented Program services. Annually, teachers are required to receive a minimum of six (6) hours of Gifted and Talented professional development that is related to the stated education standards for Gifted and Talented. Prior to attending any of the professional learning, contact the campus Advanced Academics Specialist to ensure that it is the appropriate training. The following teachers need to have their 30 hour GT Awareness training and 6 hour annual GT updates: All kindergarten teachers, GT Cluster teachers, APA teachers, AP teachers, MAP teachers, and WINGS and STEM Academy teachers.
Administrators who have supervisory duties for service decisions are required to complete a minimum of six (6) hours of professional development that includes nature and needs of gifted and talented students. Annually these administrators will also receive a minimum of six hours of professional development in gifted and talented education.
Those counselors who work with gifted and talented students are required to complete a minimum of six (6) hours of professional development that includes nature and needs, service options, and social and emotional learning for gifted and talented students. Annually counselors are required to receive a minimum of six (6) hours professional development in gifted and talented education.
Gifted And Talented Professional Learning Opportunities
Alvin ISD Gifted And Talented Professional Learning
Alvin ISD offers multiple opportunities for educators to receive gifted and talented professional development. Local district trainings for the initial 30 hours are offered each summer and fall. Annual six hour updates are also offered in the district throughout the year. In district training is available free of charge for Alvin ISD educators with registration for these trainings available in Eduphoria.
Houston Area Cooperative On The Gifted
Alvin ISD is also a member of the Houston Area Cooperative on the Gifted (HAC), therefore Alvin ISD educators are able to attend these sessions free of charge. The Houston Area Cooperative on the Gifted has a Website available to view the workshops. The registration for an HAC workshop is two-fold. First, the educator must go into Eduphoria to register and find the Event Brite link. Once registered in Eduphoria, the next step is to register in Event Brite using the link provided in Eduphoria. For HAC workshops registration is required in both Eduphoria and Event Brite.
For additional gifted and talented professional learning options, contact a campus Advanced Academics Specialist.