School Health Services

Alvin ISD Nurses Lead with a Caring Heart

Alvin ISD school nurses are proud to be a part of every child's education.  Success in school is directly related to the good health and the emotional well-being of each student.  

Responsibility for the care of children lies primarily with the parents.  If your child becomes ill or has an emergency at school, it is important that the school nurse or administrator be able to reach you immediately.  Please make sure that the school has accurate telephone numbers listed for you and your emergency contacts.  Please remember to update any phone numbers that change.  

Alvin ISD nurses are here to assist and support parents and teachers in their efforts to maintain children's good health.  We are always happy to address any questions or concerns you may have.  Please contact your child's school nurse at any time.  It is our goal to educate the children, beginning in elementary school, to take control of their own health care management, so that they can grow up to be strong and independent.  

Below are some links regarding illness management at school and guidance about when a child is sent to the clinic.  Please note that Alvin ISD school nurses work closely with the Brazoria County Health Department, the Texas Department of State Health Services, the Centers for Disease Control, and the American Academy of Pediatrics in developing guidelines for the treatment of illnesses at school and on the specific criteria for the exclusion from school.


Medical Conditions and School Exclusion

Alvin ISD operates a program of communicable disease control in accordance with the standards and regulations established by the Texas Department of State Health Services, Brazoria County Health Department, and in accordance with applicable laws. 

The parent or authorized individual is expected to pick his or her child up within one hour of being notified of any of the following health conditions.  

Students with the following symptoms shall be excluded from school until free of symptoms or a document is received from a physician stating that the student is released to return to school.  This list of signs and symptoms is not exhaustive. 

  • Temperature of 100.0 degrees or more

  • Vomiting/Nausea, or Diarrhea

  • Pain and/or swelling at angle of jaw

  • Undetermined rash over any part of the body

  • Undiagnosed scaly patches on the body or scalp

  • Red, draining eyes

  • Intense itching with signs & symptoms of secondary infection

  • Open, draining lesions

  • Jaundice

Immunization Requirements

COVID-19 Resources

Health Screening Resources

SHAC & Additional Health Resources