Department History

The Alvin Independent School District created a Security Department in the late 1960s. The Security Department served the AISD students and staff until 1993 when student safety became a growing concern. Security Director Karl R. Boland advocated for police officers on campus citing that some students did not take campus security personnel seriously. Superintendent William Hasse subsequently recommended the creation of the District's own police department.
On September 21, 1993, the resolution creating the Alvin Independent School District Police Department was passed and approved by the Alvin ISD Board of Trustees which included President Jim Wiginton and Vice-President Charlie Goodson. On September 28, 1993, the newly created Police Department was officially recognized by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement Officer Standards and Education
On October 1, 1993, the District appointed its first chief of police, Wayne A. Duncan. Joining Chief Duncan as the Department’s first police officers were Gilbert I. Dominguez, Robert D. Foerster, Ricky L. Hubbard and David W. Stroud. Duncan and Hubbard transitioned to AISD from the Alvin Police Department while Dominguez transitioned from the Alvin Community College Police Department. The first Telecommunication Officer (TCO), Pam Falgout, served the Police Department until 1996. She performed double duty as the Police Chief’s Secretary. This small dedicated force was responsible for the safety and security of students and staff 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. The officers worked their regular shifts then remained on call for afterhours events.
From 1956 to 1963, Alvin Junior College (now Alvin Community College) occupied the South Building in the Alvin High School complex. The Police Department, upon its inception, was housed in a section of the South Building. The space was spartan, even lacking rest room and prisoner processing facilities. Arrestees had to be transported directly to Juvenile Detention or the Brazoria County Jail. The Police Department was comprised of three rooms, an office for the Chief, an office for the secretary/dispatcher and one office shared by the four officers. Although the Department lacked restroom facilities, it did have a parrot named “Five-O.” “Five-O” was reputed to have a calming effect on disruptive students. However, his effect on staff was sometimes startling because he liked to mimic the sound of the burglar alarm.
In 1997, the Police Department moved to the Alvin High School “G” Building. The G Building was one of several buildings located just north of the current Fine Arts Center. For the first time, the Police Department had the space and the means to process its own prisoners. The G Building was demolished in 2007 to make room for the Charles McCauley Academic Building.
In 2007, the Police Department relocated to the Safety & Technology Building on Hwy 6 in Alvin. For the first time, the Department had the look of a modern police department, with a state of the art communications center, conference room, interview/interrogation room, adult and juvenile booking and detention rooms, and sufficient office space for the supervisory staff.
Our Communications Center is where our Telecommunication Operators manage incoming calls from campuses and the public, and dispatch police officers as needed. Telecommunicators can also access video in real-time, of any campus where a significant event may be taking place. Our Telecommunicators average more than 23 years of public safety experience and all of them have a either Advanced or Master Telecommunicator certifications.
Today, the Police Department still occupies the Safety & Technology Building. However, as the District has grown significantly, so too has the Department. Officers now have offices on every secondary campus with a substation at the Heritage Complex' Satellite Transportation Satellite Center.
Police Vehicles
The department began with 3 police vehicles. The Chief’s vehicle was an unmarked 1987 Ford Taurus. The first marked patrol unit was a 1984 Chevy Impala which was donated by a local law enforcement agency. The other unit was a 1991 Chevy Impala affectionately referred to as “The Blue Bomber” because of the cloud of blue smoke it produced when driven.
A police vehicle is a law enforcement officer's mobile "office." Alvin ISD PD's newest fleet vehicles are Chevrolet Tahoes. These sharply professional looking SUVs provide modern vehicle safety features and roomier seating for officers and passengers. The Tahoes are better suited to carrying the large amount of emergency equipment needed in today's policing environment, and very important to our region, these vehicles also have a much higher clearance than police sedans and other police SUVs, which allows our officers to remain mobile during the rain events and subsequent high water on the roadways to which our region is frequently subjected. We've come a long way since the Blue Bomber!
In 2012, the Alvin ISD Police Department became only the second law enforcement agency in Brazoria County to achieve the coveted award of "Accredited Law Enforcement Agency" from the Texas Police Chiefs Association Law Enforcement Accreditation Program. Furthermore, Alvin ISD PD was only the second school district police department in Texas to achieve accreditation status, and remains one of only eight accredited ISD law enforcement agencies statewide.
The program evaluates a Police Department's compliance with 168 Best Business Practices for Texas Law Enforcement. These Best Practices were carefully developed by Texas Law Enforcement professionals to assist agencies in the efficient and effective delivery of service, the reduction of risk and the protection of individual’s rights. Being “Accredited” means that the agency has proven that it meets or exceeds all of the identified Best Practices for Texas Law Enforcement. Achieving "Accredited' status is merely part of the journey. The Department undergoes a review every four years to ensure an ongoing commitment to the Best Business Practices in Texas Law Enforcement. In 2016, and again in 2020, the Department achieved "Accredited" status.
Leadership and Staff
As of 2020, the Department’s police officers average more than 15 years of law enforcement experience. 42% of the officers have earned their Master Peace Officer License while an additional 20% have earned their Advanced Peace Officer License. Ten are certified as Mental Health Officers. All officers have School Based Law Enforcement certifications from the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement and receive additional training in de-escalation, crisis intervention, non-violent intervention(Crisis Prevention Institute) and Youth Mental Health First Aid.
Additionally, six officers are certified as Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT) instructors and six are certified as Rapid Deployment Awareness Intervention Decisiveness - Solo Officer Engagement (RAIDER) instructors.
The Police Department leadership team averages more than 22 years of law enforcement experience. The team currently includes three FBI National Academy graduates, four Leadership Command College graduates, and two FBI Law Enforcement Executive Development Trilogy graduates.
Since its inception, the Department has had 5 Chiefs of Police.