Custodial Manager
Telephone: 281-245-2659
Fax: 281-331-1395
The Alvin Independent Custodial Operations Department employs over 225 Custodians (2021 - 22) to ensure that campus facilities are clean, safe and healthful surroundings for students, teachers, visitors, and other school district personnel.
Our goal is to provide an environment in which the students and staff are inspired to achieve the district goals in educating the leaders for tomorrow.
Our mission is to create great first impressions at AISD by improving the beauty and cleanliness of the campuses and ground through a sense of ownership within our work areas. We will improve our campuses and grow as a cleaning team and as individuals. We will continue to press forward to achieve our goals as we strive to offer superior service and remain Customer Focused and Always Responsive.
"Today, employees have more than just a job; they are now representatives of a new way of doing business."
Custodial Services Department
2200 Stapp Maxwell Drive Alvin, TX 77511
Alma Leija
Custodial Supervisor
Telephone: 281-245-2913
Fax: 281-331-1395
Questions, concerns or comments should be directed to Zylius Imo at 281-245-2659.
Administrative Offices are open 7 a.m. - 4 p.m. Monday through Friday.
For after-hours assistance, please call the school police at 281-331-2320.