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Online Auctions

PERM Folder Pickup

District Pickup/Delivery Request

For any district facility to dispose of old, unused, or broken assets such as equipment, furniture, and machinery, the department director or campus principal must fill out a disposal form and turn it in by email to

(*Any technology disposals MUST go through Technology Services.)

Once the disposal form is received, our team will pick up items and update the district inventory to reflect if the items were dispersed to other district facilities in need or listed for online auction.

All documents, papers, letters, books, maps, photographs, sound or video recordings, microfilm, magnetic tape, electronic media, or other information recording media, regardless of physical form or characteristic and regardless of whether public access to it is open or restricted under the laws of the state, created or received by the Alvin Independent School District or any of its officers or employees pursuant to law or in the transaction of public business are considered to be the records of the Alvin Independent School District and shall be created, maintained and disposed of in accordance with the provisions of the records management procedures & guidelines.

Under State guidelines, the District must make the Board aware of items considered obsolete, non-repairable, costly for repair, and items that have been identified as surplus salvage for auction. On all small equipment items, Purchasing has the ability to finalize the auction, utilizing the best avenue for disposals (online, on-site, or silent auctions), and provide a report of revenues after the sales to the Board.

These guidelines will be utilized for the typical items seen in an online auction. These items include obsolete audio-visual, food service, grounds, technology, transportation, and furniture items. Modular buildings and vehicles are sold under a separate auction. Upon completion of the auction, the revenue will be declared and the Board will be made aware of the revenue.

Central Distribution must be accountable for all PERM folders picked up and delivered to every campus.

All PERM folders will be transferred during Perm Folder Roundup or through the Intra-District Mail.

To provide a faster way of expediting and tracking these PERM folders, it is required that the PERM Folder Pickup Request Form be filled out and submitted online. Our team ensures that each PERM folder is tracked accurately through our QTrak system.

Our team can assist if any district facility needs boxes or campus items removed from their facility/campus and moved to another district facility or campus. It is as simple as filling out the Pickup/Delivery Request Form and emailing the completed form to, to get this process started.