Bus Routes and Stops
General Info
Bus routes and stops are designed to operate as efficiently as possible while still meeting the needs of the students. Changes to routes and stops may be made at any time in response to ridership, construction, traffic patterns, etc.
Typically, bus stops are designated at street corners and at landmarks (such as community parks, community mailboxes, etc.) In some areas, stops may be designated at specific addresses.
Students may be required to walk up to a half mile to their nearest bus stop location.
Due to dead-end roadways, gated communities, or other areas that are otherwise inaccessible by bus, students may be required to walk in excess of the walk-to-stop distances indicated above.
Students will be allowed to board and exit the bus only at their designated bus stop location or at a Alvin ISD campus.
Do not flag a driver down to try and recover a student from the bus while it is in route.
Service to bus stops may be discontinued or stops eliminated due to low ridership or non-use at any point during the year.
Student Transportation Eligibility
Transportation is available for Alvin ISD students in grades PreK - 12th who live two or more miles from their assigned school as measured by our department's routing software.
The distance a student lives from the assigned school is determined by measuring the shortest route that may be to the designated campus.
Students who live less than 2 miles will be considered as not eligible for transportation.
Transportation is routed and provided based on the address that is in Skyward and will be picked up and dropped off at that address only.
Please note that regular bus riders are not transported to Day Care, Baby Sitters, Piano, Swimming or Golf Lessons, etc.
Service Address
Students will only be scheduled to receive transportation service to/from one address. The student's residence address will be the default service address.
Students will not be permitted to have a schedule that alternates between two residences in the case of shared custody. Students must be able to independently ride the bus to and from school. Younger students, especially those of elementary age must be able to recognize their bus stop and be able to walk to and from their home and the bus stop.
Bus drivers do not have the ability to access a student’s address from the bus. To prevent other students from being delayed, any student that does not know their stop, or if parents of Pre-K, Kinder & 1st grade students are not present at the stop to receive student, they will be taken back to the Transportation site and the parent will have the responsibility to pick them up.
Pre-K, Kindergarten & 1st Grade Students
In the interest of student safety, students in Pre-K, Kindergarten & 1st grade will only be released from the bus to an approved adult.
If no person is present at the stop to receive a student, the student will be returned to the Alvin ISD Transportation department for supervision. Once a student has been returned to transportation twice, the process to suspend bus service will begin.
It is highly recommended that K-2 elementary students have a name and address tag placed on their clothing. Do not put tags inside the school backpack. Keep tags on students for at least the first two weeks of school.
Restricted Areas
Alvin ISD buses will not enter dead-end streets, some cul-de-sacs, personal property, Apartment Complexes, except when approved by the Director of Transportation.
Generally, use of private property requires concurrence by the property owner.
Pick Up Time Criteria
Alvin ISD’s transportation department strives to arrive at every bus stop on time.
Due to variances between individual clocks, students are asked to arrive at the bus stop 10 minutes prior to the scheduled arrival time.
Buses will load students and depart the stop. Regular transportation does not wait for late students.
Special Needs buses use the same standard but will wait up to two minutes at a stop for a special needs student to load.
Students are expected to proceed immediately to the bus.
For safety reasons, bus drivers are instructed not to stop or open the door for late students once the bus begins to move.
Alvin ISD strongly discourages students from approaching a moving bus.