Welcome back! Transition day for Pre-K, Kinder, 6th grade, & 9th grade is August 12, 2024!
All other students start August 13, 2024!
Find what you need
Child Nutrition
2024-2025 School Meal Prices - PLEASE NOTE: If applicable, it is important to apply for Free & Reduced-Priced Meals every year so you do not lose access to benefits and so your child’s campus does not lose critical services that are based on meal applications. Applications may be submitted any time online by visiting www.schoolcafe.com.
Breakfast $2.00 • Lunch (Elementary) $2.75 • Lunch (Secondary) $3.25. Please click HERE for detailed price and menu information. Adult meal prices are to be determined.
How do students pay for meals?
All students access their individual cafeteria account at cafeteria registers using their individual six digit student ID number. The six digit ID number is the same ID number issued to the student when they are enrolled. This ID number does not change, is confidential, and should not be shared. Cafeteria accounts may be funded using cash or checks at the cafeteria registers or online with a credit card by visiting www.schoolcafe.com. Cafeteria accounts may also be monitored and managed online using www.schoolcafe.com.
How do I apply for Free & Reduced-Price Meals?
To qualify for the free & reduced-price meal benefits, a student’s parent or guardian must fill out an online application. Applications may be submitted any time online by visiting www.schoolcafe.com. A new application must be filled out at the beginning of each new school year. All members of the household should be included on one form. Only one form per household is required. Applications may be submitted any time during the school year.
For additional questions or concerns, contact the Child Nutrition Department at 281-245-2277 or visit the Child Nutrition Department website HERE.
District Bus Service
Beginning with the 2024-2025 school year, Alvin ISD will be using the Stopfinder app for students who utilize Alvin ISD transportation to and from school. The app allows parents and guardians to track their child’s school bus in real-time.
The app is secured and protected and also serves as a two-way communication tool, allowing parents to quickly and easily communicate with district transportation officials and receive real-time notifications. Notifications can be focused on specific users based on their child’s bus route. For example, if a road is closed, causing a bus to be late picking up or dropping off children, only parents and guardians of students on those specific routes will be notified.
The Alvin ISD Transportation Department will send invites 2 weeks prior to the start of school to family members of students who ride the bus to and from school.
The app can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play Store.
For more information on how Stopfinder works, take a look at this brief 30-second informational video. More information on Stopfinder is also available on their website.
If you are an eligible bus rider that is either new or has had a change of address, please reach out to your child's campus and ask the registrar to input a request for transportation for your student. These items should be completed no later than August 1st. Once the “verification” has been completed, the registrar will assist with ensuring your child is registered for bus transportation. If your child will be a bus rider, you will receive the route information and approximate pick up times through your skyward account and Stopfinder. Please be looking for an e-mail from Stopfinder in order to monitor your child's bus service information in late July or early August. Also, please monitor your student’s skyward account for transportation information as well. If you have any questions, please call 281-245-3101.
Student ID Badges
At Alvin ISD, we prioritize the safety and security of our students, staff, and visitors. In line with this commitment, we are implementing new procedures for student ID badges effective for the 2024-2025 school year. These measures aim to enhance campus security and streamline various administrative processes. All students will be issued personalized Student ID cards. These ID cards are part of our commitment to maintaining a safe and secure learning environment. The ID cards will serve various purposes and will differ slightly between elementary and secondary students.
Elementary Students
RFID Student ID Cards: All elementary students will receive RFID-enabled Student ID cards. This new technology will allow parents to monitor when their child gets on and off district transportation buses.
Multi-purpose Use: The cards will also feature a barcode, enabling their use in the cafeteria, library, and other school facilities.
Secondary Students (Grades 6-12)
Identification and Safety: Secondary students will be required to wear their ID cards on a lanyard around their neck at all times during the school day. The ID badge must be worn with the picture facing outward.
Usage: These IDs will serve as identification for students during after-school activities, school-sponsored events, and while on AISD property. Students may be asked to present their ID badge upon request by any District Official to confirm their status as an AISD student.
Facilities Access: The badge will facilitate activities such as district transportation, checking out library books, purchasing cafeteria items, and identifying students in common areas of the school.
Replacement Policy
If a student loses their ID badge, a replacement must be promptly purchased from the designated school office/location.
The cost for a replacement ID card is $5, and replacement lanyards and protective sleeves are available at $2 each.
New ID cards, lanyards, and protective sleeves will be issued at the beginning of each school year. The first ID card, lanyard, and protective sleeve are provided at no cost. However, replacements due to damage or loss will incur the aforementioned fees.
Campus Hours & District Calendar
Elementary (PK-5) - 8:00 am - 3:30 pm - Early Release: Elementary - 12:10 pm
Junior High Schools (6-8) - 8:40 am - 4:10 pm -Early Release: Junior High 12:50 pm
High Schools (9-12) - 7:20 am - 2:50 pm - Early Release: 11:30 am
School Supply Lists
Please Note: High School Supplies per teacher
Dress Code
2024-25 Immunization Requirements
Immunizations are an essential part of public health, and Alvin ISD is required by state law to have a complete and up-to-date immunization (shot) record for each student before enrollment. All incoming pre-K and kindergarten students must have proof of required vaccinations, including 4-year-old vaccines. Incoming 7th graders must have required Tdap and Meningococcal after age eleven. Parents needing help determining which vaccines their child needs for the 2024–2025 school year should contact the child’s doctor, the local health department, or visit the Department of State Health Services website. You may also visit our School Health Services webpage or email our lead nurse, Katrina Weber, at kweber@alvinisd.net with any questions or concerns.
Alvin ISD is committed to connecting with students, employees, families, and community members in meaningful ways that build engagement. Stay connected with Alvin ISD through Skyward, our social media pages, AlvinISD.net, and Let’s Chat!, an online tool that takes your questions, thoughts, or concerns and sends it directly to the appropriate staff members for follow up. To stay connected, log in to Skyward and make sure all of your contact information is up to date!
Back to School Events
Elementary Meet the Teacher - August 8 • 4:30 - 6:00 pm
Junior High Meet the Teacher - August 8 • 5:30 - 7:00 pm
High School Back to School Events:
Alvin HS: Fish Camp: August 12 during transition day
Please watch eNews and your campus social media for schedule release information.
Manvel HS: Fish Camp: August 12 during transition day
Please watch eNews and your campus social media for schedule release information.
Shadow Creek HS: Fish Camp: August 12 during transition day
Please watch eNews and your campus social media for schedule release information.
Iowa Colony HS: Fish Camp: August 12 during transition day
Please watch eNews and your campus social media for schedule release information.
RISE Academy: Phoenix camp (for 9th graders and new enrollees) July 29th • 8:00 am - 12:00 pm
Please check www.alvinisd.net or call the individual campuses for the most up to date information in regards to back-to-school events and activities.
Enrolling in the 24-25 school year? Click here for information about starting the process by filling out the online registration application in Skyward.
New Students (All Grades) are:
New to Alvin ISD Student Enrollment (Never attended AISD schools)
Prior Alvin ISD/Returning Student Enrollment (Attended AISD in prior years but did not complete last school year in AISD)
Enrollment is based on your home address. Click HERE to determine your child's zoned campus.
2024-2025 Back to School Registration for students will open on July 22nd for students who completed the 23-24 school year in Alvin ISD. Log in to your Family Access Account and click on 2024-25 Back to School Forms.
Proof of residency is also required for all returning 3rd, 6th, and 9th grade students. Parents must take an updated utility bill to the campus for verification. For renters, an updated lease is also required. Students who are enrolled on a residency affidavit or special lease will need to contact Student and Administrative Services for assistance and approval.
Attendance Matters
Every day counts! Parents, please be sure to send your children to school every day and on time. Missing just two days of school a month can significantly impact their learning progress and over time, chronic absences can put them behind grade level.
Here is what you can do to keep your child on track:
Only keep them home if they are truly ill.
Schedule doctor appointments and vacations on non-school days. Click here to see the academic calendar.
Maintain routines for eating, sleep, and homework even on non-school days.
Alert a counselor or your child’s teacher if there is something happening at school that has your child thinking twice about attending.
Back to School Printable Signs!
Click to download these printable signs and tag Alvin ISD in your back to school pics! #AlvinISDB2S